Chapter 11

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Vegas pov:

Pa asked me to join him in the Christine's funeral. I was getting ready to go there when Pete called me. Since Yesterday's morning, i was waiting for his reply. Neither he came at beach nor did he read my texts or attended the calls.

Pete sounded worried when he called me. I picked my cars keys and I was about to leave the mansion when Pa shouted my name.

Kan:" Vegas, Where are you going?"

V:" Pa , I had to go to meet a friend. It's urgent."

Kan:" I already told you that you have to come with me. That's urgent too. You know he's our ....."

V:" I know Pa . But it's just a funeral. And you know that i never liked Christine. He's a total show off. So what's my point in going there? Uncle Yam is your friend. So it's important for you to go. And if you want you can take Macau with you. He's busy in playing mobile games all day . Just take him with you."

Macau:" I'm already going with him. And what do you mean that i only played games? Huh?"

Kan:" Yeah you two, be quiet. Vegas, Do you really have something important right now?"

V:" Hmmm."

Kan : " Ok, then. I am going with Macau for now. Come immediately at the funeral as soon as you finished your meeting."

V:" Ok Pa "

Then i went to Major mansion . The mansion was so quite. Everyone might have gone at Christine's house. I reached to Pete's room. I knocked the door and he opened it. His eyes were swollen and red As if he cried for many hours. And the way he looked at me , it seems so different. It looked like he was forcing a smile 🥲.

I close the door and sit on the couch beside him.

V:" What happened Pete?"

P:" Did you get the news about Christine?😥"

V:" Yes. So?"

P:" Khun Yam might be so angry at the one who killed his son. What if he ordered his men to look for the that person?😥"

V:" Are you worried because of that?"

P:" Yes, you know that Khun Korn respects him so much . He is going to kill me if he came to know that I was the one who killed his friends son."

V:" Don't worry Pete. He will never be able to find out about us. I had already erased all the evidence. And no one will doubt us as they think that we were in Italy when this incident happened."

He was stressed because of fear of being caught. I gave him assurance and calmed down him .

P:" I called you because I was worried when I heard that Khun Yam got Christine's dead body. But now I'm fine knowing that now there won't be any trouble. Now you can go, before anyone comes here."

What? First of all he didn't came yesterday. I thought that he must be upset that he missed yesterday's chance .
But now he's asking me to go. He always smile and hugged me whenever he sees me but today he was acting differently.

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