Chapter 15

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(*******I'll use "🗣️" emoji to indicate that the characters are shouting while saying that particular sentence.*******).

Pete pov:

P:" You're not lying, Right?"

I knew Vegas . He won't cry infront of anyone.

V:" I really want to cherish you, Pete. I can't live without you na?"

I don't know whether he was lying or he really meant it. From what I've heard from his friends was that he hate me. But the way he is crying infront of me and begging me to comeback to him. I became weak. I wanted to wipe his tears. But not sure whether i had that right or not.😢

But seeing him weak infront of me. I want to hug him. I wanted to believe once that what he said was right. I placed my forehead on his. And i thought to myself i would take this chance.

V:" I love you."

I stared in his eyes and i can see that he's regretting for what he did. I wanted to believe him once . Just once. Because i know that i can't live without him. I tried so hard to move on. But the moment i saw him, my heart shrinked just by the thought that he's not mine. I can't imagine him with someone else. I wanted him too. I want him for myself. I wanted to be selfish.

P:" I love you too."

I said it quietly. I was not sure whether he heard it or not. He shifted his head backwards and stared at me questioningly.

V:" W.... what you said?"

I avoided his stare and looked down. Those words escaped from my mouth involuntary. I didn't have that much strength to say it to him. Did he heard what i said?

V:" Just say na Pete😢. What you said? You love me? I heard it right? "

I was so stressed. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Did I make the same mistake again?
Thew:" Do you remember his words. 😂 -- "That people should know their limits before confessing their feelings."
What If he and his friends made fun of me again. I was so afraid to say anything. I love Vegas . I can do anything for him. But i don't want to look like a fool again. I don't want his friends to laugh at me again.😢

V:" Pete look at me."

I was busy in battling with my thoughts. I didn't said anything and started crying again 😭. Why i became so weak infront of him.

V:" Hey Pete, Why are you crying?"

He hugged me and i hugged him back.

V:" I'm...... I'm sorry if i... Don't mean to pressurize you. Stop crying na."

P:" Ve......Vegas wh...... why can't we be like we used to be.😭"

V:" I'm sorry na, Pete. I promise this time i won't do anything that will hurt you."

P:" I was never like this b.....before, i used to share everything with you. I d.... don't have to act infront of you. I w....was myself but now Why i.....i ...I'm so afraid to say anything to you. Why i have to think before speaking anything to you. W.... what if you and your friends will laugh at me again.😭"

He pulled me away from hug.

V:" Wait! What do you mean by that? Did my friends said anything to you?"

Offcourse because of them I came to know how much you hate me.

He placed his hand on my cheek.

V:" Just tell me. I'll kill them straight away. What they said to you?"

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