Chapter 4

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Flashback continued...........

Pete pov:

"It's me Pete, Vegas "

He removed his hand from my mouth. And released my hands. I turned to look at him.

P: " Sawadee kraap Khun Vegas"

I bowed to wish him.

P: " Why you're here? And Why you're hiding?"🙄

V:" Should i tell everyone that i came here to talk to you about the last night that we spent together?"😒

P:" No, don't tell."😕

V:" i know, this is why i came here. Don't tell to anyone. Not even to your friends. Not even to your roommate."

P:" i don't have any roommate and don't worry i won't tell "

V:" That's good."

After saying this, he looked if anyone was coming or not. And started moving quietly.

P:" Did you came here just to tell me this?"

He turned to look at me.

V:" Offcourse yes, you know i won't do anything that will hurt my reputation. Yesterday, it was an accident. So i have to be careful now and i don't want to take any risks, so i came here to warn you. "

Each word that he said it hurts me. I know that we both were unconscious, but the memories of last night that i had with him were beautiful. For him, it maybe a one night stand but for me it was the best time i ever had in my life .

P:" Come , I'll help you to sneak out from here."

He followed me. Then we went out of the mansion. No one saw him coming out .

V:" Pete , I'm sorry."

P:" Huh....?"

V:" That night, you and i...."

P:" It's okay. It's not your fault. We both are responsible for what we did."

V:" Ya, mmmmm.... Are you free this weekend?"

Did he Still want to hang out with me? I thought that  now he'll never contact me but.....

P:" Will you be okay ?"

V:" Yes, i don't have any problem. Next time ,we won't do drinks. "

P:" Ok, i am free."

V:" I'll see you then."

He left after saying this. I came back to my room and thinking about him. Does he feel something for me? Does he like spending time with me?

Vegas pov:

I asked him to hang out this weekend again. In case if he gets any updates regarding Kinn.

A week passed and here it's the weekend. I asked him to meet me at flower shop, which is near to major mansion. I picked him and then we went to a local curry shop. After beach , this was next on my bucket list . Pete seemed excited, he was wearing casual clothes this time.

P:" How do you know that i like curry?"

V:" Oh, you like it? I don't know about it. I saw you were smiling and staring at this shop. So i thought let's grab a bite."

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