Chapter 6

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Pete pov:

When i came back, everyone was sleeping. Porsche was next to me. I and him became really good friends. We both understand each other. I wanted to share my secret with someone and the person that i can trust is him as We both have same stories. I was unable to pay the loan so i worked for them. It was same for Porsche too.

I laid on my bed.

I love you, i love you Pete.

These words were ringing in my ears. I was still not able to believe that he also loves me. It had been five years that i had crush on him and he finally accepted me. This all was like a dream to me. I'd always thought that my love for him will remain a secret . I will never be able to confess it to him. Everyone told me how rude And cruel he was. I was scared too but still i craved for his love, for his attention. And now He is so nice to me.

Earlier vegas didn't pay any attention to me. He was always busy with his boy toys. He even don't know about my existence. It was always me who looked for him.  Whenever i went to an event with Khun Kinn, My eyes always search for Vegas. And i always found some idiots clinging onto him. I can't deny the fact that they were handsome and i can't even compare myself to them. I always used to think that I won't ever be able to express myself in front of him. Firstly, he was my boss. Secondly he was my boss enemy. Thirdly, his standards are way too high. So i gave up hope of him ever noticing me.

Porsche:" Where are you busy? In Whose thoughts?"

I heard Porsche. He woke up and i was smiling like an idiot thinking about Vegas.

Pete:" Oh nothing! Mmm.. hurry up, today is family meeting. We have to go and welcome the minor family. Get ready quick. It's almost time for them to come."

Porsche:" Why are we going to welcome? Sent other Bodyguards in my place."

Pete:" We can't. Because they our family. And we have to treat them like we treat our master's here. So all the head bodyguards will be there. Get up."

Porsche:" What the heck! Since the day I came here I am not able to sleep properly."😠

He was shouting but after that he went to shower and got ready .We ran out and stand in a line to welcome the minor family. Then we saw 3 cars coming towards us, one was of Khun Kan, other was of Vegas and Macau and third one was of their bodyguards. I gave their introduction to Porsche because he didn't pay attention to the clip which Chan showed him in which family members were mentioned.

When Khun Kan passes by near us we bowed to welcome him. Next Vegas came out. I bowed to him and tried to act normal. He came near to me and smiled then gone inside the mansion. But this time i didn't felt like he looked at me. Was i thinking too much? I don't know to whom he looked at and smiled because I was looking down as next Macau was coming towards us so I was not able to raise my head to look at him.

Porsche: "Aii Pete, Whom did he smiled at?"

Porsche also noticed Vegas. I don't want to get in trouble so i pretended not to see him smiling.

Porsche: " Maybe he smiled at you, as you're so handsome"

After that he went in. My cheeks were so red . I went to washroom and washed my face. And then went to meeting.

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