Chapter 14

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Pete pov:

I was in the meeting hall of major mansion. Vegas was here. I was trying my best not to look at him. But i can felt his gaze continuously at me.

Kinn:" I thought you don't want to work on it, so i asked you to send me file. Here it is."

Kinn handed him the file.

V:" Hmm ok. I'll check it."

He got up and Was Leaving the hall. I was standing at the exit door. He stood infront of me for a moment but I didn't make an eye contact . I kept looking downwards. And then he went.

Vegas pov:

I wanted to talk to him but he doesn't want to even look at me. I already know that he knows about me and Porsche. But i can't tell him because of Porsche . I want to hear from his mouth that he knows about us.

I sneaked in the Bodyguards quarters and was standing infront of Pete's room. But suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to look at him , he was Porsche.

Por:" Why you're here?"

V:" I want to talk to Pete."

Por:" So?"

V:" Can you please leave us alone for few minutes."

Por:" Not here. It's my room. Go and meet him alone somewhere else."

V:" Please Porsche. I just need 5 minutes, please."

I always thought that he is an understanding person but i never knew that he would be such a bastard.

Por:" okay I'm only going to wait for five minutes. Then I'll come in."

He went away. I entered the room. Pete was sitting on the bed. It looked like he was thinking something.

V:" Pete."

He turned to look back at me.

P:" Why you're here? Get out before Porsche comes."

I went near to him and tried to hug him but he pushed me away.

V:" I want to talk to you."

P:"  I already told you that i want Breakup. I love Poom. There is nothing to talk now ."

V:" I😠...i know😞 but i just need a moment. We haven't talked since then."

P:" Vegas, we can't talk right now. Porsche might be coming. Just go😖. "

V:" Let him come. I don't care if he sees me with you. But we need to talk. That's more important for me right now."

P:" We'll talk somewhere else but please go for now."

V:" When Pete?"

P:" Huh?"

V:" The day i called you at beach, i wanted to tell you something important. But you didn't came. And then you started ignoring me. It was almost a month that we didn't had proper conversation. And when we had it, then we've messed it up."

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