Chapter 8. 🔞🔞🔞

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3rd pov:

Kinn ordered all the bodyguards to meet at the meeting hall.

Kinn:" Today i will not be present here, so i want you all to be extra alert. If anything happens, contact me immediately. "

Everyone nodded their heads.

Kinn:" Big, Ken, Porsche, Pete, Arm and Pol will only stay here , rest of them can go."

Then all the Bodyguards went out .

Chan the head bodyguard of Korn was present there with Kinn.

Kinn:" I called you because today is Vegas's birthday party. They have invited us. And you all are our main Bodyguards so you have to accompany me, P'Tankhun and Kim. Pa and Chan will also be joining us. Got it."

Bodyguards in unison: " Yes, Sir"

Kinn:" I have selected your outfits that you'll be wearing tonight. Go to dressing room. Erika will give you your outfits."

Then everyone went to the dressing room and got their outfits.

Porsche and Pete were also excited for today's event .

They went back to their room and started getting ready for today's event.

Pete pov:

P:" Hey Porsche, come quick. Everyone is waiting for you. Let's go before Khun Kinn comes here ."

Por:" I'm ready. Tada! Tell me. How do I look?"

P:" Wow 😲 Porsche, you're looking stunning."

He was really looking amazing and handsome.

Por:" You too "

P:" Don't lie😒. You have done your hair and makeup too. And i here just wore clothes that's it. I'm looking so plain."

Por:" Come here . I'll help you."

He did my hair, and applied perfume and a BB cream.

Por:" Now look."

P:" Makeup really makes the difference. Thanks bro "

Por:" Is it your first time going in such a event?"

P:" Yes."

Pol:" Aii Pete, Porsche. Hurry up. Everyone is waiting for you."

We quickly went out. I was in a car with Tankhun , Arm, and Pol. Porsche was with Kinn, kim, Big and Ken.

Arm:" Pete , you're looking so different today "

Tankhun:" My baby is looking handsome right?"

Pol:" He smells so great."

Pete:" All thanks to Porsche. He really knows how to dress up properly. When i saw him, i was stunned."

Arm:" Yes, you are right. He was looking so handsome. Even Khun Kinn was staring at him."

Pol:" He don't even look like a bodyguard. It's good that we didn't went with him otherwise Everyone will think we are his bodyguards not of khun Tankhun."

Tankhun:" Aii Pol. Are you trying to say that i don't look good."

Pol:" No Khun No. I'm saying you if he'd be here , he'll look master and you'd look like his bodyguard."

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