Chapter 12

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Vegas pov:

I and Thew were in Jay house to discuss regarding the meeting. After the meeting ended, we went out to eat.

Jay:" What you both want to eat? It's my treat."

Thew:" Ok, let's have drinks.🤪"

V:" Drinks in the morning. Are you idiot?🤨"

Jay:" There is a Chinese restaurant nearby. Let's go there."

We went to a restaurant. The food was served.

Thew:" Vegas , Did you talk to Pete about that man?"

V:" No, he is quite busy nowadays."

Jay:" When are you going to confess to him? It's almost a month now since you decided to apologise to him."

V:" I know that. I asked him so many times but he always says the same thing, that he is busy and he can't come."

Thew:" I think you should tell the truth to Porsche first. "

V:" Huh?"

Jay:" yeah , i agree with him."

Thew :" You can tell the truth to Pete later on. You told me earlier that Porsche calls you daily but you ignore him. He is getting attached to you more now. Tell him the truth so that he can move on atleast."

V:" I wanted to tell him but the thing is no one knows about Me and Porsche. Porsche will keep this with himself. It would be so tough for him to deal with the heartbreak all alone ."

Jay:" Yes, you are right. Then tell the truth to Pete as soon as possible. Ask him to meet you ."

V:" Hmm. I would go to his room this weekend and this time i won't let him make the same excuse to me. I would tell him the truth then and there."

Thew:" But Porsche is his roommate. Are you going to tell them at the same time?"

V:" No. I know that Kinn is trying his best to win Porsche. Ken told me that Kinn had his plans with Porsche this weekend. So pete would be alone . Then I'll meet him and tell him everything."

After that we all were on our way back to Jay's house.
Suddenly Thew stopped and was staring at the riverside. I and Jay also looked there to what he was staring but there was only a food truck.

V:" Are you still hungry?

Thew:" Vegas, just look there . It's Pete right?"

I looked back again when he took the name of Pete. And yes i saw him. But he was not alone.

Thew: And Vegas, it's the same man. That i saw that day with him."

Jay:" Wait you mean to say that..... Is Pete really dating him?"

We went near the food truck but hid ourselves behind the truck. It was Pete and he was with someone. He never told me about him. Whenever i meet him he always give me a smile that looked so fake. But here he was natural , giggling and talking to him. I really missed this Pete. He was like this with me when we started dating.

Thew:" They looked good together."

Jay:" Shut up you idiot."

V:" Do you want me to kill you Thew🤬?"

Thew:" S..sorry i mean........ V..Vegas just look what they're doing?"

I turned to look at Pete. The man was giving half of his food to Pete.

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