Chapter 22

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Pete pov:

I had to find out why he is pestering Vegas so much. I asked Vegas but all he told me was Tawan doubt him for murdering Christine. So to avoid that confusion he is being nice to him. But I know that he is lying. So I planned to track Tawan to know what he is upto. Every morning he used to go somewhere without telling anyone and he always come back in time without being caught.

Right now I am sitting at Poom's bakery shop.
He welcomed me with fresh baked pastries.

Poom:" How's it?"

Pete:" They are so delicious poom."

Poom :" I knew you would love it. By the way what kind of help you were asking me? And why were you so nervous about it when you were asking? You can ask me for any kind of help without feeling awkward."

Pete:" thank you Poom."

Poom :" So come on ,tell me what can I help you with?"

I know that Tawan is somehow blackmailing Vegas. So i need to find out and I'll track him. But I can't use Major family cars to follow him because he knows about them.

Pete:" Can you lend me your car for a day Poom? I promise to give it back the next day."

Poom:" What? That's it???? I thought it's something else. Of course you can take it."

Poom has always been nice to me. I told him that I will be needing it tomorrow in the morning. I can't take it back to the mansion because I don't want Tawan to get hint of it. So Poom parked his car outside infront of the shop and gave the keys to me.


Next morning , I woke up early and as I thought Tawan was ready to leave the mansion. I quickly followed him.

I have a little bit idea of the initial road he travels to go to his location. I quickly picked the major mansion's car and switched it with Poom's car infront of his shop. After 5 minutes I managed to follow Tawans car without being caught.

It took me at least 45 minutes to reach the location. It was Tawan's house.

I parked my car far away from the Tawan view.
As I saw Tawan get inside his house. I quickly followed him. Tawan didn't close his main door and it was so easy for me to get inside his house.

He was talking to someone in his phone. He was inside a room whose door was closed.
I tried to listen to whom he was talking.

T:" Don't worry Khun yam. I am going to find out the culprit. Kinn and Vegas, both are helping me.


I already told you that I have doubt on someone who lives in the mansion. So give me time I will find out soon."

He was talking to Khun yam and I am damn sure that Tawan knows about me. After that he hung up the call and I can hear some noises. Noises of papers being shuffled.

After 10 minutes he came out and went to bathroom. It was my time now.
I got inside that room and i hide a secret camera in the room and left it immediately.

My work was done here.

I got back to my room and opened my laptop and i checked from it. I can see Tawan's office and he is playing a clip on projector.

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