Chapter 16

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Vegas pov:

Pete disconnected the call. He thinks that I hid things from him on purpose. I waited for night to go to meet him . He told me that Porsche usually sleeps in Kinn's room. Pete will be alone.

At night, i went to major mansion. I went to his room and saw him sitting on the bed. His hands were on his forehead . I was nervous because Since we started talking , we never met each other . We talked only through phone.

V:" Hey Pete."

He looked up at me, and then he's ignoring my gaze. I don't know why he ignored me. Is it because he is angry with me or it's because he is also nervous.

V:" Ar....Are you angry with me?"

P:" Just go back. "

V:" Why?"

P:" Why you wouldn't? You don't want to tell me anything. You are still keeping your secrets. You knew everything but you didn't tell me. Do you still have feelings for Porsche?"

V:" No. It's just.... I have my reasons for not telling it to you."

P:" What reasons?"

V:" I can't tell you..."

P:" Then go back. I don't want to talk to you."

V:" Pete....."

P:" When i was with you , i had told you everything. You wanted updates about Khun Kinn , I had told you because I trusted you that you won't do anything that will hurt me. But you don't trust me, right?"

He was really mad at me.

V:" It's not like that? Ok listen.... When Porsche told me that he knew everything. I wanted to tell everything to you but he blackmailed me."

P:" What? What did he do?"

V:" When Pa asked me to get Porsche on our side, so I wanted to win him before Kinn. I used to call him daily and talk to him. So one day he asked me why I am so nice to him ,because all the other bodyguards are scared of me but he doesn't feel the same. He asked me why I am so friendly to him and not anyone else. So I praised him and criticize the rest of the bodyguards including you. But i don't mean it. It was just to win his trust."

P:" So?"

V:" I didn't know that he was recording it. In his entire recording, he only trimmed the part where I said about you and was threatening me that if I tell you about him, then he'll let you listen to this recording, and I was afraid you might misunderstand and you'll leave me again."

"hahahaha hahahaha "

He started laughing suddenly. I was confused.

V:" What happened why you're laughing?"

P:" I already heard that voice note. "

V:" So that means he told you that i gave him a phone too?"

P:" Yes he told me. But I didn't know this at that time because I heard that recording on another phone that we got from here. He might have shared it , so that i can listen."

What? That means I was worrying unnecessarily.

V:" That bastard! I was so scared. I was wondering how to tell you all those things that i did to you and what happened later on. But because of this Porsche....."

P:" Hehe he finally took his revenge. Do you have any idea how much angry he was getting at you?"

V:" Yeah i knew."

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