Chapter 26

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Pete pov:

As soon as I opened the door, Porsche, Arm and Pol ran and occupied my bed. Their excitement tells me that they have so much to ask from me.

Porsche:" Congratulations Pete. Finally you guys are official."

Pol:" do you know how long we waited for you ? Why were you hiding from us?"

Arm:" i knew something was going on between You and Khun Vegas. When i asked from you Pete, then why did you lie?"

I'm so Embarassed to speak anything right now.

Por:" Tankhun is waiting for you. Vegas is also there. Don't you want to go?"

Pete:" I don't want to go. He's going to scold me."

Porsche:" All the best Pete."

Pol:" We have so much to talk to you. So hurry up and meet khun no. So we can have a talk."

I was forced to go to meet khun No. I entered his office i saw Vegas, Khun Kinn and Khun no sitting.

Pete :" Sawaadee khap khun. You called me?"

Kinn:" I never thought that Vegas will find his true love someday. Congratulations to you both."

Tankhun:" There is nothing to congratulate Kinn. My Pete's luck is so bad that he has fallen in love with this devil."

Vegas:" Atleast It's better for him to be with me than to be with you."

I don't like the way they both are arguing for me. Khun no is getting angry at Vegas.

Pete:" I'm sorry Khun."

Vegas:" What are you sorry for?"

Tankhun:" For falling in love with a psychopath like you."

Kinn:" Phi Stop it, instead congratulate them."

Tankhun:" I know my baby is so innocent that he easily got trapped in Vegas love".

He wasn't lying though. Vegas tried his best to trap me, but he got trapped in it himself.😏
Khun Tankhun came near & hugged me.

Tankhun:" I'm saying yes to this relationship because you want to be in it."

I hugged Khun No back. I was unnecessarily scared.

Vegas got a call from his father and then he left.

Pol:" Khun, I think we should celebrate today. As Major family and minor family son's found their love."

Tankhun:" Ok then let's go to Yok bar tonight."

After that I came back to my room with others. They asked a lot of questions, and I gave superficial answers to all of them. After that, we started planning what we would do tonight. We were very excited.
After a while, they left. Just then, i received a call.

I picked up the phone.

Pete:" Hello"

Vegas:" Pete, I'm waiting for you tonight."

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