Chapter 5

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Flashback continued........

Vegas pov:

It's been almost a month since me and Pete started  dating . It's true that I started talking to him because of our plan ,but after a month of dating I don't know what i truly felt about him.  Whenever he's not near i want to talk to him, I want to hug him and I want to kiss him.

We recently exchanged our numbers as earlier he was not having his own phone and the phone that major family gives them, it's calls are always being recorded.
So it was difficult and risky to talk through that phone. So I gave him a new phone through which only we both can talk . He was not ready to accept it but after pleading him for a thousand times, he finally accepted it . But still he was so scared to use that phone inside the major mansion . He rarely attends the calls or message me . I always wait for his message , for his calls .

We meet each other every weekends. And during family meetings too. And sometimes when I missed him I just go to his room in the major mansion. He's always afraid what if we got caught together. Although I have my ways to move out of the major mansion, but it's fun to watch Pete helping me out.

And today Again he's helping me out and Finally reached out of the mansion.

P:" Why you never listen to me?  I've said to you so many times that please don't come here. If anyone caught you in my room, then I'll be dead ."😠

V:" It won't happen. If they even tried to touch you, I would kill them ."

P:" Shut up and go now. Next time if you'll come here , I'll shout and call other Bodyguards."

V:" Ohh and then what will you say to them ? What am I doing in your room? How you'll explain yourself?" 😏

P:" There is an intruder in my room. Then I don't have to do anything. It would be Khun Kinn who will decide what to do with you."

V:" How mean?😒 Are you sure that you love me?"

He chuckled.

P:" Just go for now."

V :" I'll again come to meet you tomorrow."

P:" Why ? "

V :" Because tomorrow i have nothing to do , so I'll be bored. And when I'm bored, i miss you. And when i miss you ,i want to hug you."😁

P:" I want to puke now.😒 Stop flirting."

V:" Am i that bad?"😕

P:" Very ,very bad. And yes, don't come tomorrow."

V:" Please na."

P:" No you can't. And from now on you'll not be coming to my room. Because now I'll be not living there alone."

V:" What do you mean?"

P:" Khun Kinn has appointed a new bodyguard. And he is going to be my roommate."

V:" What? But that was our place to meet🙁."

P:" But now, it's not."

V:" Is he going to come today?"

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