Chapter 28 🔞

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Vegas pov:

It is certain that Pete is lying. Suddenly, he is going to his grandma's place. I am sure this is Uncle Korn's doing. Because I knew he wouldn't sit quietly after learning about our relationship. I know why Pete isn't telling me about this because he doesn't want to meet me right now as he must be feeling embarrassed about his actions of last night. I looked in the mirror and smiled thinking about our last night conversation.

I quickly got ready and went to the Major mansion with Nop.

When I arrived, I was heading towards Pete's room when I saw Porsche standing in the garden. He looked quite stressed. I went over to him; he was alone there.

Vegas: "What's wrong?"

Porsche: "You? Did Pete tell you?"

Vegas: "Just that he's going to his grandma's place? Is it something serious? He didn't tell me the reason."

Porsche: "It's because of Kinn's father. He doesn't want Pete to work here because he hates the minor family."

I knew it. I was right.

Vegas: "How is Pete?"

Porsche: "He tried a lot to convince him, but Khun Korn didn't agree. He said he couldn't trust him now that he's associated with your family."

Vegas: "Is he in his room?"

Porsche: "For now, yes. Khun Korn has told him to pack his things and vacate the room. He even arranged to send him home."
He seemed very angry.

Vegas: "Now do you understand why I hate the Major family. What about Tankhun and Kinn?"

Porsche: "I, Kinn, and Tankhun all tried our best, but we failed."

I didn't say anything further and left quietly. Pete was worried that Uncle might do something after finding out about our relationship and he really did.

When I reached his room, it looked like he had already packed all his things.

Vegas: "I've been waiting. If you had to go home, you could have at least replied to my messages. You didn't even answer my calls."

Pete: "I told you, there's no need for you to come here. I'll go alone."

Vegas: "How could I leave you alone? By the way, you don't need to go there."

Pete: "Why?"

Vegas: "You come with me. To my house."

Pete: "What?"

Vegas: "You promised we would be together today. So come to my house."

I told Nop to pick up his stuff and put it in the car.

Pete: "Wait a minute... Vegas, I told you there's an emergency, that's why I have to go. I promise when I return, I'll definitely spend time with you."

Since I arrived, I noticed he hadn't been looking at me properly. He still seemed embarrassed about his drunk behavior.

Vegas: "What emergency? Tell me."

Pete: "Uhmmm..."

He was thinking about what reason to give me.

Vegas: "Porsche told me that uncle has fired you. So stop making excuses and come with me quietly, Pete."

Pete: "You know?"

Vegas: "I had a feeling it was Uncle's doing. I told you, the major and minor families can never be united. And it's all because of Uncle Korn............ I'm sorry."

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