Prolouge: The Death of Planet Vegeta

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1. Bolded texts are YOUR thoughts. If it's someone else's POV, then it will be their thoughts!

2. Italic (slanted) texts are the actions of what is currently happening.

3. Your age is currently 5.

Y/N's POV:

You were at Dojo with other young Saiyans around your age that are required to be taught the basics of martial arts, Ki flight, and common knowledge. You and your best friends were sitting next to each other on the ground as your sensei was giving you all a lesson.

Totoma: ...And when you absorb 17,000,000 units of Blutz wave energy through the retina, a reaction occurs in your tail, allowing you to become an Ozaru. Remember, using a real moon to transform is much better than creating a artificial moon because it allows you to access your full strength. *Gasps for air* Any questions...?

Everyone in the class stayed silent, until you decided to speak out.

Y/N: N-No Master Totoma! I think we all understand now.

Totoma: Very well. Everyone take five. Then you go home.

Class: (Thank you five!)

Everyone began talking, and your friend spoke out to you.

Akchoy: Hey, isn't this stuff like totally boring?

Y/N: It may be a little bit... But if I'm being honest with you Akchoy, we're gonna need this knowledge if we want to become strong warriors in the future and become victorious in all our missions. Just like my Dad!

You said while punching the air... And then you whimpered.

Y/N: Although, I rarely get to see him...

Akchoy: I mean, it could be worse Y/N. At least you have a Dad. Most of our Dad's left and found a new mate! It's pretty rare for both Saiyan parents to stay together for more than a year. That's what master Totoma said at least.

Ruccollo: Yeah, you're a pretty lucky guy Y/N. So stop being so sad! Lighten up pal.

Ruccollo said while patting your back.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks guys.

Ruccollo: And you were born with a high power level probably close to the Prince! Who knows, you might just be the legendary Super Saiyan.

Akchoy: UGHH! You've got to be kidding me... Are you seriously still on about that fairytale Ruccollo?! The Super Saiyan isn't real. You literally got picked on by other people last year because of it.

Oh great, here we go again...

Ruccollo jumped up from his seat and raised his voice.

Ruccollo: HEY! I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. All those bullies can go straight to hell. Rumors are saying that it's been nearly one thousand years since the last Super Saiyan was spotted. All of our classmates don't mess with us anymore ever since we became friends with Y/N. So he just might be.

Akchoy: This is ridiculous. You're getting out of hand dude. We all know that Y/N is strong, but him being a Super Saiyan is just pushing it. So just shut up about it!

Ruccollo: Well maybe you should study more and stop believing everything Frieza tells us you dolt!

Both of their faces got really close and they started growling.

Y/N: Guys! Enough... Every time Super Saiyan is brought up, you guys argue. Real or not, it doesn't matter. I'm going to pick up some food for my mom from the new shop. I heard they're selling limited-edition meat from Planet Kuzako. You guys wanna come? I have some spare gold coins so you can each get one thing that you want.

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