The Angel's Offer (End of Buu Saga)

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Y/N's POV:

Everyone stayed motionless, dumbfounded by Y/N's incredible display of power.

The same question kept repeating in my head... "What am I?" "What is this" I feel naturally more aggressive in this form more than any of the other ones. The urge to kill was unbelievable. It felt as if I was returning back to my original Sayian roots! Luckily, when I regained control, I was somehow able to transform back into a humanoid like state.

Goku: Y/N! What type of form is that?!

Y/N: I'm not sure. But one thing I certainly am sure about is that this definitely isn't a Super Saiyan form. It's more of a evolved Ozaru type of form. So for convenience, let's just call this... Super Saiyan 4.

Vegeta: What a brilliant transformation.

Y/N: As for you Majin Buu...

Y/N said while turning to Buu.

Kid Buu: Gyuah?!

Y/N: Don't get too comfortable over there. Keep in mind I do plan on killing you right now.

Buu just laughs at Y/N. Obviously underestimating his power. Y/N flies up in the sky to reach Buu's level. They both stared at each other for a solid minute.

Y/N: Right here Buu... Free hit... Don't hold back so you can't make any excuses later.

You said while pointing to your chest.

Dende: (Y/N! Are you crazy?! This is Majin Buu! Don't you know how strong he is?!)

Dende said while speaking to him telepathically.

Y/N: I know how strong he is.

Dende: (So WHY are you doing this?!)

Y/N: Because I'm well aware of how strong I am too!

Buu began to get angered and he charged at Y/N. Buu brings back his fist and throws it. It connects with Y/N's chest, and as soon as it does, Buu instantly gets flung far back due to Y/N's overwhelming Ki.

Goku: No way!

Y/N: I hope you didn't hold back Buu, because I won't. And now it's my turn!

Y/N charges at Buu. He yells as he does a spin kick attack on Buu, going straight through his chest. No matter what Buu did, it had no effect on his opponent. Y/N's power level was way too high. For the first time ever, Buu felt scared.

*Timeskip 6 Minutes*

Fat Buu: That guy strong! He seems really fun to play with!

Mr. Satan: NO BUU! He's fighting our enemy right now! You wouldn't want to get in the way now would ya?

Fat Buu: Okay! Buu ask him to play later then.

In the distance, Y/N continues to give Kid Buu his rightful beating with his new form... Until he gets bored that is.

Kid Buu: *Huff* *Puff*

Y/N: I'm done playing games with you Buu. I beat you as a fusion, and now I beat you as a solo. You're truly hopeless. Say your goodbyes to the world of the living!

Y/N raised one hand in the air. Above it, a small red Ki ball formed. It grew larger and larger each second until it was the size of a death ball.

Goku: He's doing it Vegeta! He's actually doing it!

Vegeta: Yes, I see.

This won't be enough to kill him. If put all my energy into it, it will definitely destroy this world and everyone on it, I have to think of something el-

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now