Blast off For Planet Namek! (Training With Goku)

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Krillin pulls the sword back, getting ready to slice vegeta's head clean off, ending the job, but Goku stops him

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Krillin pulls the sword back, getting ready to slice vegeta's head clean off, ending the job, but Goku stops him

Goku: KRILLIN NO! There's no need for vengeance, he can't even fight back.


Goku: Vegeta, are you sorry?

Vegeta: Yes, I'm sorry, soooo soooo sorry. I feel just terrible.

Vegeta says sarcastically.

Goku: Krillin, let him go.

Krillin: Fine.

When Krillen dropped the sword, Vegeta climbed in his pod quickly and closes the door.

Vegeta: Not sorry! BYEEEEE



3rd Person POV:

Krillin approached Goku, who lay in pain after the intense battle, while carefully carrying your unconscious body over his shoulder. Gohan, completely drained, followed behind and collapsed onto the ground.

Goku: Take it easy, little man.

Goku said to his son before turning his attention to Krillin.

Goku: Thanks for letting Vegeta go Krillin... I know that wasn't easy.

Krillin: Haha, it really wasn't... And it didn't feel right letting him go after everything he did.

A brief silence hung in the air as Goku pondered the consequences of his choice to spare Vegeta.

Goku: So... Krillin.

Krillin: What's on your mind, Goku?

Goku: How's the Saiyan doing? The one you're carrying?

Krillin glanced at your battered form, assessing the extent of your injuries.

Krillin: He's seen better days, but with proper medical attention, he'll bounce back stronger than ever. Actually, we could all use some medical care!

Goku managed a weak laugh.

Goku: Hehehe... Yeah, you've got that right. We really owe him our thanks, I don't know what we would've done without him.

Krillin: True that! ...So, this Y/N, didn't he say something about being your brother earlier?

Goku nodded.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now