A New Challenger Arrives! (Friend or Foe?)

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Bardock: I know son

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Bardock: I know son... It's hard, it really is. But trust me when I say this, I thought of every other option, but this is the best choice. So please for the sake of your life, get in the pod. Don't make me have to tell you again.

Y/N: NO! I'm not leaving you two!

Bardock bends down and hugs Y/N

Bardock: I love you, Y/N.

Bardock Knees Y/N in the chest, instantly knocking him out. Bardock puts him in the pod with a distressed expression and closes it. Gine and Bardock say one last goodbye.


The pod slowly ascends into the sky and then shoots off into space following behind Kakarot's pod. Frieza later decides to destroy the planet, killing your parents, your Friends, and everyone else on planet Vegeta at the time.



3rd Person POV:

About 24 years later, after the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Planet Earth finds itself on the brink of a similar fate.

In a desolate wasteland, far removed from civilization, three individuals stand as Earth's last protectors. Their names are Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin. The remaining members of the Z fighters have fallen, defeated by a formidable enemy—the surviving Saiyans from Planet Vegeta: Nappa and Prince Vegeta.

Vegeta observed with sadistic pleasure as the last three warriors panicked for their lives.

Gohan: Mr. Piccolo, Krillin, what should we do? They're just too powerful!

Piccolo: Goku should be arriving soon. Stay alert until then. The same goes for you, Krillin.

Both Krillin and Gohan nodded, although secretly they feared that all hope was lost. But then, a sudden change in the air caught their attention.

Piccolo: Gohan, Krillin, do you feel that?

Gohan & Krillin: Yes!

Krillin: It's Goku! He's on his way! We just need to hold on a little longer.

Piccolo: Alright, everyone, do whatever it takes to survive. Only attack if it's for self-defense.

Nappa sneered at the warriors, charging a small energy ball in his hand.

Nappa: Look, Vegeta! They're planning their futile tactics. Hate to break it to you, but your little scheme won't work.

Nappa taunted them, his voice filled with sadistic delight.

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