Becoming Friends With the Enemy

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Andriod 17: I don't feel entitled to do what Dr

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Andriod 17: I don't feel entitled to do what Dr. Gero says, but as andriods, I feel like we should do something. Let's go kill that Goku guy. Hey 16, you were designed specifically to kill Goku right?

Andriod 16: Correct.

Andriod 17: I guess that settles it then.

They began to fly off, then the one with the blond hair gave me a look before following them.

Tien: Where are they going?

Krillin: Don't tell me they're actually trying to find Goku! We need to stop them, right Y/N?

Y/N: I...

Vegeta: I couldn't give a damn about that! H- how dare they... IGNORE THE MIGHTY VEGETA!

He transformed and flew after them.

Y/N: I'm going with him!


Y/N's POV:

Vegeta landed next to the andriods on the road.

Vegeta: Well well, I didn't expect to see you rejects roaming around here. You're going to tell me where you're going right now whether you want to or not.

Andriod 18: We're off to find Goku. We're gonna kill him

Vegeta: See, that's what I thought. Too bad that's not going to happen. Because I'm going to blow everyone of you to peices.

Andriod 17: You Saiyans sure are full of yourselves, aren't you? That pride of yours... It's just gonna get you killed faster, you know?

I landed next to Vegeta.

Vegeta: You've got quite the mouth on you for a machine.

Y/N: I was literally saying the same thing to you Vegeta. You can't let your pride blind you in a battle.

Andriod 18: At least one of you has a braincell. Handsome, AND smart.

Y/N: Wha-

Andriod 17: Oh great. What is it 18? Do you have a new little crush or something...?

Andriod 18: And what if I did?

Andriod 17: Nothing, I just thought you said you were into short guys.

Andriod 18: People's likings can change you know.

Vegeta: Forget it enough with the damn lovey dovey crap! Which one of you will fight me first then? The punk, the woman? OR MAYBE ALL OF YOU AT ONCE?!

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