Zamasu Gets a Change of Heart? (Apprentices meet Face-to-Face)

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F Trunks: Oh! Y/N

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F Trunks: Oh! Y/N. Is there something you want?

Y/N: ...It'll take Bulma about a day or two to add more room in the Time Machine.

F Trunks: Yeah...?

Y/N: And we'll be leaving by the time she finishes...

F Trunks: Mhm...?

Y/N: What do you say we go in the time chamber together? I'll get you to master Super Saiyan 3 in no time. But first, let's head back to my house. It's getting late and I figure you need a place to stay.

Trunks looks up at you and smiles.

F Trunks: Y-Yes sir... Thank you very much...



Y/N's POV:

*10:00 PM, late night*

Me and trunks were flying to my house after that freakish meeting with that evil version of me. We also revisited Gohan along the way.

Trunks: So Y/N... Does my father still have a big ego?

He said while turning his head towards you.

Y/N: Oh, definitely. He's never changing.

Trunks: *Sigh* I figured... Well, that's Father for ya.

You and Trunks both stayed silent for a minute.

Y/N: You know Trunks, I don't hate the guy. His personality makes him who he is. He might have a big ego, but he still cares about us. Especially you. He just has a weird way of showing it.

Trunks: Heh heh, yeah, I'm aware of that...

Trunks stayed questionably silent through the whole flight. You were the one starting most of the conversations. You both land outside the house.

Y/N: Trunks, you alright? You look sad.

Trunks replied with a shaky voice.

Trunks: Y-Yeah, I'm fine.

Y/N: There's no need to lie to me Trunks. I can search your feelings. I can tell you're sad. What's on your mind...?

Trunks: There's really no hiding anything from you huh, Y/N?

Y/N: Yep! That's because I'm a super spy.

Trunks: Y-You really are amazing...

Trunks started to laugh before sobbing uncontrollably.

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