Let the Tournament of Power BEGIN! (Berserker Kale Vs. Y/N)

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Grand Priest: At last Grand Zen-ohs, it is time to begin

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Grand Priest: At last Grand Zen-ohs, it is time to begin. Are we ready...?

Zen-Oh: Yes, hurry!

Zeni: Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Grand Priest: Very well then...

He turns and looks down on everyone.

Grand Priest: Now if all competitors from each of the eight universes could assume their starting positions...

He raises one hand and speaks loudly.

Grand Priest: Let the tournament of power... BEGIN!




I got in my fighting stance, completely unaware to what was going to happen right after the Grand Priest declares the start of the tournament. Every universe's team stayed dead silent.

Grand Priest: Let the Tournament of Power... BEGIN!

As soon as the words were spoke into existence by the father of all angles, every single team except ours charged at all the opposing teams and began brawling. The entire ring was flashing with Ki blasts and explosions.

 The entire ring was flashing with Ki blasts and explosions

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Goku: Ah, boy. Looks like all hell's breaking loose huh?

Y/N: I can't see anything, but my senses are going crazy.

Goku: Same here... Well, time to get involved! See ya Y/N!

Y/N: Later! I'll meet up with you soon.

Goku jumped into the blinding lights.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now