A long Awaited Reunion (Bardock and Gine Return!)

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Y/N: Thank you

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Y/N: Thank you. I wanted to know if you could modify my Space pod to go even faster. And make it bigger please, with 2 extra seats. I can't teleport to planet Vegeta myself because I don't exactly remember where it is. So I don't know where to search for the energy.

Bulma: Alright! That seems easy enough. Good thing I wouldn't have to start from scratch. It'll kinda be hard to work with due to it being ALIEN technology, but I think I can get it to work.

Y/N: Thanks Bulma! You're awesome.

You disappeared, and reappeared with the pod.

Y/N: Let me know when you're done! 18's making dinner and I can't miss out on it.

Bulma: I will. Bye!

Mom, Dad... I'm coming... Just you wait...



King Vegeta's POV:

I suddenly woke up while sitting in my throne. "What just happened?!" I asked myself. "Weren't me and my men just attacking Frieza?" All these question became dependent with no answer to cling onto... Perhaps the other Saiyans know what I'm talking about as well?

King Vegeta stood up from his throne, and looked at all of his Guards that we're looking around the room, and at themselves, confused on how they're alive.

King Vegeta: SOLDIERS! I need one of you to explain what happened now! ASAP!

Soldier A: I'm sorry sir. We don't know of what happen either...

King Vegeta: Don't be a fool. When I ask of you to tell me something, you don't talk back, you find out what happened.

Soldier A: Yes sir!

Soldier A leaves the room.

King Vegeta: You there. Escort me to the room son is in. I need to make sure he's okay! GET MOVING!

Soldier B: YES SIR!

He salutes and runs off to where the room is, and King Vegeta follows him.

Soldier B: Here we are, S-Sir!

Vegeta glares inside the room.


Soldier B: Sir. If I recall correctly, you sent him off with his team to a different planet befor-

King Vegeta: Silence! I don't know what happened, but I need you tell all of my scientists to get working and figure out what happened. We need answers. Pronto!

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now