A/N: (Update, PLEASE READ)

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Hi everyone...

If you're wondering... No, I have NOT abandoned the story. It's been a while since I posted (10 days), and unfortunately, I'm having a stressful time with school right now. And it's been hard trying to write chapters while focusing with my personal life all at the same time... Again, this doesn't mean that I've abandoned the story. In fact, I've already started on the next chapter, and I'm more than 3,000 words in already.

This is just a notice for you all to be aware that chapters may be coming out a little bit slow for here on out until further notice. I know it may be hard to adjust to the sudden change of pace, because I originally used to publish new chapters every two or so days. Please understand.

I'll try my best to get the next few chapters out and finally finish the story. I've got a few interesting things planned to happen before the Epilogue and I think you all may like it.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope you have a good day or night depending on your time zones! Okay, Bye!

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