Tournament of Destroyers (PART 2)

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Referee: Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for your incredible patience! The sixth and seventh universes invitational: the Tournament of Destroyers will now begin! So hold onto your hats, and get ready for the show! NOW, the first match will begin! ...

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Referee: Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for your incredible patience! The sixth and seventh universes invitational: the Tournament of Destroyers will now begin! So hold onto your hats, and get ready for the show! NOW, the first match will begin! Let's see who we've got! From the sixth unvierse... Contestant Botama, and in Universe seven, Contestant Goku!


Y/N: Good luck. And you better not lose to this Winne the Pooh wanna be.

Goku: Thanks! I'll try my hardest not too!

Y/N: You better.

Bardock: Give em' hell Kakarot! Show him what the Saiyans can do!

Goku: I will Dad!



Y/N's POV:

The fight between Goku and Winne The Pooh had begun! He is a strange opponent so far, absorbing each one of Goku's punches. Y/N, Bardock, Blayze, and Vegeta watched from the floating platform.

Y/N: SEE DAD? This is why I always said I don't like fighting fat people! They just absorb your punches!

Bardock: That's an excuse...

Vegeta: No. Y/N's got a point...

Vegeta said while eyeing down Majin Buu who was eating chocolate in the spectator area.


Piccolo: Goku's being forced back. It's not often you see this.

Whis: Hm... Safe to say this match is not going out in the fashion we desired.

Bardock: Grrr... COME ON KAKAROT! Show him what you showed me in the time chamber!

Bardock shouted.

Vegeta: Hmph...

Goku: Not yet, just give me some time! I don't think I need to power up to beat this guy. There has to be a different way.

Bardock raised an eyebrow and questioned

Bardock: ...What?

Y/N: If you knew Kakarot longer, trust me, you would know he doesn't have interest in going all out from the start.

You said while sitting on the edge of the platform, watching the fight closely.

Bardock: Well, I get having a little bit of fun. But his opponent is plain boring! He's not even fighting back! All Botamo's doing is absorbing the punches. Hell, that's not fun at all. I'd just get rid of him at this point.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now