The End of the Evil Tyrant (Resurrection F | END)

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Y/N: "Golden Frieza"? Is that all? There was no point in asking

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Y/N: "Golden Frieza"? Is that all? There was no point in asking. I literally could've guessed it myself.

Frieza: Oh I'm sorry, but unlike you, I'm not excessive. "Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker" are you serious?! I nearly bit my tongue trying to spit it all out.

Y/N: Despite the gauchy name. I'm Impressed by the amount of power emitting from it. At first, I only thought you had four forms.

Frieza: Oh no, not at all. This is just the beginning. There are many more forms to come and unfortunately for you, you won't be alive to witness them all.

Y/N: Out of all the jokes, that's the best one you've came up with all day. It's cute of you to think you actually stand a chance against me.

Frieza: There's no point in arguing about it. Our battle will make the truth painfully clear.

Y/N: And I'm so glad you're aware of that.

You said while cracking your knuckles.

Frieza: Farewell Y/N.

The Golden Frost Demon got in his fighting position. And you got in a street fight position.



You both charged towards each other and prepared to fight.



Y/N's POV:

We charged at each other with insane speed. I was the first to land a hit by right-hooking Frieza in the face. I tried to follow with a spin kick, but he blocked it with his forearm. We continued going at it for about 10 minutes back to back.

*In the distance*

Whis: (Hello? Bulma, can you hear me?)

Bulma: Hello? Whis is that you?

Whis: (I'm flying through space as we speak. I simply MUST try that strawberry sundae. I'll arrive in 4 minutes and 13 seconds.

Bulma: What? Where have you been?

Beerus: (Neither Y/N or Goku even offered to take us with them. I could've been feasting half an hour ago. They're going to pay for that.)

Beerus' POV:

For some reason, Whis stopped flying out of no where...

Beerus: WHIS! You can't just stop like that! I nearly bit my tongue you careless twit!

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