Tournament of Destroyers (Y/N vs Hit)

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Beerus turns to Bardock

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Beerus turns to Bardock.

Beerus: GREAT! Do you feel happy with your choice now?! Having your grandson be beat like that?!

Bardocks: Relax. He's fine. Plus, you got 2 more Saiyans left. Prince Vegeta and Y/N. There's still hope of winning.

Beerus: Grr... Y/N, Vegeta! You two better not fail me, do I make myself clear? Vegeta, you're next!

Vegeta: Right.

Vegeta's Mind: (I couldn't gain any info from that fight! Blayze is a tough kid, and for him to be beaten that easily means this Hit guy is no joke. I'll have to go Blue from the start... Tch...)



Y/N's POV:

After giving Blayze a Senzu bean, I watched as both Vegeta and that Hit guy made their way down to the arena. Vegeta actually looked nervous and turned into that Super Saiyan blue from of his rather quickly. And as quickly as he transformed, is how quickly he lost.

Announcer: The winner... By Knockout, Contestant hit!


Y/N: That fight didn't even last 4 minutes!

Goku: Krillin, hurry! Go down there and give Vegeta a Senzu.

Krillin jumped up and got the senzu bean bag out of his pocket.

Krillin: Right! I'm on it!

He flies down to where Vegeta is.

Y/N: This is bad... I didn't think that guy would be THAT strong. Something's not adding up. Hey you! With the yellow eyes!

Jaco looks around.

Jaco's Mind: (Oh no... Why does the scary one have to talk to me...?!)

Jaco: Wha- ME?! Are you talking about ME? Or the two cat destroyer gods?

Y/N: You!

Jaco: ...I have a name you know! It's Ja-

Y/N: Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, I heard you have good eyesight. Were you able to see what's going on in that fight with Vegeta and hit? You know, got any clues on what he's doing?

Goku got closer too wanting to know what's going on.

Jaco: Well. After watching that, I can tell you Hit's moving at Super Speed and that's what's making him hard to beat.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now