Awaken... ULTRA INSTNCT AND HAKAISHIN MODE! (Goku & Y/N v.s The Mighty Jiren)

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K'nsi: You're gonna have to get through me first if you wanna save your boys!

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K'nsi: You're gonna have to get through me first if you wanna save your boys!

Bardock: Grrr...

Dyspo: Nice goin' K'nsi. I'll handle Y/N and his brother. You take care of this one.

K'nsi: You got it!

Dyspo dashes off. Bardock looks over to K'nsi while angered.

K'nsi: Now, you can stay here nice and still while I eliminate you from the tournament.

Bardock: Do you really think I'd let myself be beaten by some pint-sized alien?! You... DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND CONTAIN ME!!!

Bardock transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, and his aura breaks through the Ki strings that was holding him in place. He then reverts back to God.

K'nsi: Oh no...

Bardock: Congratulations. You are now my primary target...

He said while cracking his knuckles.




I stood up angrily, but excited after Dyspo punched me and Kakarot into that rock wall. I turned to Kakarot and held my hand out to help him up.

Y/N: Hmm, that actually hurt. You okay, Kakarot?

Goku looked up at you and grabbed your hand. You pulled him up.

Goku: Yeah, thanks Y/N...

Goku dusted his clothes off.

Goku: So about that Dyspo guy, he's pretty fast, but I don't think he's all that tough when it comes to raw strength.

Y/N: That may be true, but even so, the impact of his attack still hurt like hell because of how fast he was moving.

You said while wiping blood from your mouth.

Goku: Yeah, you've got a point. Hm?

Y/N&Goku: !!!

Me and Kakarot both sensed a huge energy coming from Dad, and we realized that he transformed into Super Saiyan Blue.

Goku: Dad must've got pushed into transforming!


Goku looked at your curiously but then sensed something approaching quickly.

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