The Man From the Future. (Android Saga) PART 2

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Young Man: Wow, It's just like they said

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Young Man: Wow, It's just like they said. You're incredible Goku!

Goku: Hey, you're no slouch yourself. I see how you defeated Frieza so easily.

Young Man: Now, Y/N. I haven't heard much about you. Other than you being a third Super Saiyan that is. I would like to test your strength in actual combat.

Y/N: Oh great, I've been dying to fight someone else other than Kakarot for a whole year.

Goku: Hey, what's so wrong with fighting me? I thought you said you were having fun.

Goku said to you playfully

Y/N: Well yeah but like after a long time period like that- you know?

Young Man: Alright, show me everything you've got.

We both flew high in the air and prepared to battle.



Y/N's POV:

Ugh, I'm so hungry I haven't eaten in a day. What should I get? Maybe some Rino meat or- OH GOD THAT'S RIGHT I'M IN A FIGHT!

The young man throws a kick at Y/N, but he dodges it swiftly. Y/N then uppercuts him him even higher in the air.

Young Man: Ngh, wow. That's some incredible speed you've got there Y/N.

Y/N: Heh, thanks.

I threw a couple of Ki blast at him, and he sliced them with his sword.

Y/N placed two fingers on his forehead and teleported behind him.

Young Man: What the? How did you- AH

Y/N punches him in the gut and kicks him in the neck sending him flying far back.

Young Man: Wow, Y/N. You definitely fit the role of a Super Saiyan! I can tell you're not someone to be messed with. But now it's time to get serious.

Y/N: Bring it.

I said while motioning my hand to come here.

Young Man: HAAA!!

Y/N catches his punch with his hand.

Young Man: N-Nice catch..!

Y/N: Wow, amazed by that? Then you should see my THROW!

I held on to his fist tightly and swung him around to gain momentum. I then threw him to the ground with full force creating a crater in the ground.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now