Welcome to Godhood, Y/N. (Dragon Ball Super)

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It's been 2 years since Y/N's absence on Earth, everyone is worried. When they would ask Shenron to bring him back, he would just say "That wish cannot be done. Y/N is way to far out of my reach."

Goten's POV:

Goten, Trunks, and Blayze were at the local pool playing Marco-Polo.

Trunks: Marco!

Goten&Blayze: Polo!

Trunks: Marco!

Goten&Blayze: Polo!

Trunks: MARCOO!!

Blayze: POLO!

Trunks: Aha! Huh? Wait a minute.

Trunks stops swimming and opens his eyes.

Trunks: Hold up Blayze. I think Goten is cheating. Goten you dumbie! You're supposed to say polo!

Goten: Guys... Can we stop? This game is getting really annoying.

Blayze swims closer to the two.

Blayze: Oh come on Goten. You've been saying that for all the games we've been playing!

Trunks: It has to be something deeper... What's on your mind Goten?

Goten sinks his head into the water half way. He speaks but it's muffled by bubbles.

Blayze: Dude we can't hear you!

Goten bursts out of the water splashing everyone in the pool.


Trunks: Huh-

Goten: He's been gone for so long! 2 years! I want him back! I miss him! I do! And I thought it'd be weird if I say this because he's Blayze's dad, and I don't want to make it seem like I'm worrying about him more than Blayze is! I could've even been a warrior by now... I tried training  by myself, but it isn't the same.

Goten said while floating on his back.

Blayze: Hah, is that all?

Goten: What do you mean "Is that all"?!

Blayze: Not in a rude way though! It's just, I know my dad! If anything, he left on purpose! He's probably getting crazy strong, but I know one thing, he's definitely not dead. Because my dad is immortal! Nothing can stop him! He's the strongest in the universe!

Goten: *Pout* I guess you're right. 

Trunks: See? It all worked out in the end! Now can we finish our game?!

Goten: Nah.

Blayze: Nope.

Trunks: Wha- YOU TOO BLAYZE?!

Blayze: Yeah. I see why Goten doesn't want to play it either now.

Goten: This game sucks.

Blayze: I know a better game we can play.

Trunks: Fine... What is it.

Blayze: Who can go to the moon and back the fastest!

Goten: But we can't breathe in space!

Blayze: But we'll be going so fast we won't even feel it! Now let's go starting NOWWW!!!

Blayze shoots out of the pool and flies to the sky.

Bystander: What the hell? Did that kid just fly?!

Trunks: Grraah! He never watches out for the people!

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