The Ultimate Warrior (Goku & Y/N Fuse?)

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LONG CHAPTER INCOMING! ENJOY! (Takes about 25 minutes to read!)

Y/N's POV:

After the boys fused, Majin Buu taunted them saying that they were weak and a waste of his time. He doesn't know what's coming though, does he? Heh.

Buu: You're weak! I can't believe I waited so long for this! Why did you make me have to fight a child?!

Y/N: Why don't you just shut up and fight him. It's a fight you wanted after all, and we're giving it to you! Be grateful, jeez.

Blunks: Hehehe, I'll show you something cool! HAH!

Blunks transforms into a Super Saiyan which caused the wind around everyone go crazy.

Piccolo: They can turn into a Super Saiyan even after fusing?!

Blunks: And that's not all I can do! But I wouldn't want to end this fight too quickly. So hurry up and come at me Buu!

Buu: Grrr... HAAAHH!!

Buu charges towards Blunks and throws a fist towards him. But Blunks blocks it by making a shield from Ki which he learned from Y/N. He makes a sword then slices off Buu's head. He kicks the body far away.

Blunks: Are you kidding me?! Is that really it? You couldn't even last a minute. 

Y/N: Blayze, it's not over! Or Trunks... Whatever your name is!

Blunks: ... It's Blunks! Don't forge- AHH!

Buu regenerated his head and kicks Blunks into the ground.

Blunks: That's it! I'm about to send you straight to hell Buu!

*Timeskip 15 Minutes*

Blunks effortlessly beat up Buu. He Dodged all of his attacks, countered them, and used new moves to keep him at bay.

Blunks: Wow. I was hoping for to give me a longer fight. But you're such a disgrace that you can't even do that!


Y/N, Piccolo, and Goten stayed away from the fight while watching it.

Y/N: So Piccolo, what do you think?

Piccolo: I can't believe it, but we might actually have a chance to win this! Blunks' power is amazing! I can't believe you trained them so well in only a week and a half!

Y/N: Oh no, that was all them. Those boys surprisingly were able to get that strong all by themselves. I trained alone, trying to master Super Saiyan 3.

Piccolo: If you're trying to master Super Saiyan 3, then why are you in the Super Saiyan 2 form?

Y/N: Because, I have to get my body used to having a strong form on for a long period of time. If I just jumped straight to Super Saiyan 3 and stayed in it for long, my body wouldn't be used to it, and I could die. Almost like when I was fighting Vegeta.

Piccolo: I see...

Y/N: ...

There was a small moment of silence between them

Piccolo: Y/N, I have to ask... Do you really think they have what it takes to win this?

Y/N just showed a shocked expression on his face, surprised that Piccolo asked that question.

Piccolo: I knew it! Why else would you be training so hard if you believed that the kids would be able to beat them alone?

Y/N stayed silent and turned his head to his youngest nephew.

Dragon Ball Y/N (The 2nd Brother of Son Goku!)Where stories live. Discover now