Y/N vs Cell (Part 2)

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Trunks: And that's not all

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Trunks: And that's not all. The panel says that it arrived her four years ago. 1 year before I arrived here to warn you guys about the andriods.

Y/N: This is getting interesting.

Trunks: Yet troubling... What's this thing doing here? I thought the reason the two andriods, Goku, Y/N, and the others fought were different, and the reason history changed so much, is because of my coming here! But it's possible, this... THING, is possible for all the changes since it arrived first!

Y/N,Bulma,Gohan: WOAH!



Y/N's POV:

Something's seriously off. All these clues lead up to what? The monster i've been sensing? Wait a minute, I sense something else now. Incredibly strong almost the same power level as the monster. Don't tell me there's two of them!

Trunks: Y/N, you alright?

Y/N: Oh... yeah. Just thinking to myself.

Trunks: About what?

Y/N: ... I'll be back.

Y/N places two fingers on his forehead.

Gohan: WAIT! DON'T GO!

I instant trasmitted out of the area and appeared on some sort of lookout.  Kami's lookout. But why was the energy I was sensing coming from here?! I turned around and noticed that I teleported infront of Piccolo. I looked to the side and saw Mr. Popo on the ground crying.

Y/N: Piccolo? Mr. Popo? What's going on?!

Piccolo: Me and Kami fused back into a singular person. So I can fight off this monster that's terrorizing countless cities.

Y/N: So you sensed it too huh?

Piccolo: Nevermind that, where have you been all this time? We've been looking for you!

Y/N: I'm going to be honest... I was with the andriods. BUT BEFORE YOU GET MAD, they don';t seem like they're that bad of people. THey were just poor teenagers turned into monsters by Gero. I still think there's a chance we-

Piccolo: *Sigh* It's fine. We can talk about it later.

Y/N: I-... Fine. So, with this newfound power, do you really think you have what it takes to win?

Piccolo: Of course I do,  I have the strength of a Super Saiyan now. NOTHING can stop me. Not even you.

Y/N: Okay champ, you're pushing it a bit too far now.

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