Listen to the Heart Part 2

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Author's Notes: 

Sentences in italics are Wei Ying's thoughts

Sentences in bold italics are Lan Zhan's thoughts

"I'm gonna ask you a few questions before we get started." Wei Ying explained. His left leg bounced rapidly. It was a nervous habit. And he was definitely nervous.

Ten minutes ago he thought he was going to be teaching a midlife crisis balding man to dance. Looking across the table at the heartthrob staring back at him, Wei Ying was having trouble keeping his heart in his chest.

Eyes that shimmered like melted gold stared at him with an inescapable intensity. Wei Ying felt his soul opening like the petals of a flower longing for the sun's warmth. His mind filled with images of Lan Wangji leading him across the dance floor, their bodies pressed together as they moved as one. Thoughts of those strong arms currently hidden beneath a perfectly tailored suit lifting him up and catching him had his insides doing the mambo in triple time.

Wei Ying tried to maintain the mesmerizing eye contact. He really did. But when Lan Wangji asked him what kind of questions, Wei Ying's eyes widened before darting away like he had been caught looking at something he shouldn't have.

"Oh....ummm....just some questions that help me get to know you a little better. I mean...on a professional level of course. Not like a dating thing."

Oh my god! Stop talking! 

Lan Zhan watched the exotic beauty fidget in his seat and stifled the smile that threatened to give him away.

He's so cute!

Wei Ying took a deep breath and tried to regain what was left of his dignity. "Nothing too personal, simple ones so I know what methods to use to teach you."

Lan Zhan's brow furrowed. "You don't teach everyone the same way?"

"Oh, no! Everyone that walks through those doors is unique. That's why I have to ask questions before we even start. I need to learn what makes you tick."

Oh for fucks sake! Are you trying to scare him off?

"I-I mean I need to know what your background is. It will help me determine where we start."

I want to start with your lips.

Wei Ying watched as Lan Wangji's ears turned a pale shade of pink. It was so cute!

"Just....answer honestly," he encouraged.

"A Lan never lies." Lan Zhan stated so confidently that Wei Ying had no doubt it was the absolute truth.

"Okay then. This should be easy. Ready?"


"Have you had dance lessons before?"


"Good! Nothing to be nervous about, right?"

Lan Zhan's body visibly relaxed in the chair. His nerves were backing away from the edge of the cliff he thought he was going to have to jump off of twenty minutes ago. He could handle answering questions. It was just like work.

In order to accommodate their clients, Lan Zhan was often asked many questions. How many men would be working the job? Where would they be positioned? What extra security measures would be installed?

Answering questions was second nature to him. What was different this time was the person asking those questions. He was extremely distracting.

Wei Wuxian's dazzling smile was like.....well, like hot chocolate. It made Lan Zhan's insides all warm and gooey like the tiny marshmallows his brother added to the sweet drink.

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