Listen to the Heart Part 8

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What the actual fuck?!

"No! No! I didn't mean....not like that....I meant......"

"Mn. I will sleep with you." Lan Zhan said in a drunken, deadpan voice.

"Whaaat? No! We can't sleep together! I mean....we can sleep together cuz I only have one bed. But I can take the couch if you want me to. I didn't mean we should sleep sleep together. We're not even officially dating!"

Wei Ying's heart was beating so hard in his chest he thought he was having a heart attack. His arms were waving wildly above him, a man drowning in his own embarrassment. This night was going from a ten to a negative twenty in a matter of milliseconds.

"Wei Ying is my boyfriend." Lan Zhan stated, as if this was common knowledge.

"Lan Zhan, I would never force myself on you!"

"Wei Ying is mine."

"I know you're drunk and.....wait. Wha-What did you....did you just say?"

Lan Zhan stood up from the table and in one step stood towering over Wei Ying. Gilded eyes were still glazed from intoxication as he held out his hand to the stammering dancer. Slipping his smaller hand into Lan Zhan's larger one, Wei Ying rose with a grace so otherworldly Lan Zhan almost wept.

"If Wei Ying allows, would love to officially court you, my dancer."

Scorching lips were pressed to the back of Wei Ying's hand. His mind still stuck on the words "my dancer". Hot breath sent earth-shattering chills up Wei Ying's arm. He shivered, the fire in his belly settling lower and deeper the longer Lan Zhan caressed his fingers with his seductive lips.

Should I say yes? He sounds so serious. I've never done serious before. Who am I kidding? I've never done anything before! No dates. No casual relationships. Not even a one night stand! I don't know how to date! Is courting the same as dating? What if it isn't and I mess it all up? Just because my dick tap dances inside my pants every time I see Lan Zhan doesn't mean an actual relationship between us will work. I mean, I don't know anything about him outside the dance studio.

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan's sultry and rough voice pulled Wei Ying out of his spiraling panic attack.

Please don't say no. Please be mine. I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you. I've never wanted anyone before. I've never wanted before. Only you. Only you make me want. Only you make me want more. Please give me more. Please say yes.

Damnit! How am I supposed to resist him when he looks and sounds like THAT? But this is what I wanted! I actually did it! I actually fucking did it! So why the hell am I resisting?!

"Yes. I accept."

Lan Zhan's face lit up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. Wei Ying smiled and squealed in childish excitement, throwing himself into Lan Zhan's strong arms. They kissed, sealing the deal with hot lips that slid together and tongues that searched for hidden treasure.

Breathless and gasping for air, Wei Ying leaned back in arms that refused to let him go.

"Ya' know, you're my first boyfriend."

Lan Zhan's brow furrowed, his head cocked to the side like a German shepherd puppy.


Wei Ying giggled. "Yeah. I've never dated anyone. I've always been too busy, not interested, or...not allowed."

His eyes fell and Lan Zhan instantly missed them. He scooped up the unsuspecting dancer who squeaked at the quick motion and carried him to the large couch. Wei Ying tried to scoot out of Lan Zhan's lap but his new boyfriend held him firm.

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