Safe Harbor Part Six

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The dance club was noisy. Any other time Lan Zhan would have avoided such a place at all costs. But this was no ordinary night.

He sat by the bar that was at the back of room now filled with more than a hundred guests. The karaoke machine was set up on the stage and people were lined up to make their song requests. His dazzling golden eyes followed Wei Ying's every movement as the cruise director maneuvered his way casually through the crowd. Lan Zhan admired the ease with which Wei Ying talked and laughed with complete strangers.

This man was born to make others happy. And all Lan Zhan wanted to do was make Wei Ying happy.

"Hey, didi!" a familiar voice said next to Lan Zhan. He turned in his seat and came face to face with his brother. And someone else.

"Gege. Why are you here? And who is your...friend?"

Lan Zhan didn't mean to sound rude. But anything that took his attention away from Wei Ying was definitely unwelcome.

"Well, this is Nie Mingjue. He's head of security here on the ship. We met at dinner last night and he invited me to join him tonight."

"It's nice to meet you, Wangji. Your brother has told me a lot about you."

Lan Zhan looked at the hand extended towards him and then at the man attached to it. Nie Mingjue was a beast of a man. He looked like he could bench press a small car, with passengers, and not break a sweat.

"He hasn't mentioned you." Lan Zhan said sharply.

Xichen cast his wary brother a scolding glare. "Well, I would have if you weren't busy chasing after a certain cruise director."

Nie Mingjue roared with laughter. "You're the one Wei Wuxian's been gushing over?"

Lan Zhan's heart skipped a few beats.

Wei Ying gushed over him?

"Well, good luck with that one." Mingjue exclaimed with a strong pat on Lan Zhan's shoulder and a head jerk towards Wei Ying who's taking the stage. "He's like an untamed stallion that no one can catch." He looked Lan Zhan up and down. "You're different from the others who have tried though. If A-Xian has set his eyes on you, maybe you have a chance."

"My didi always gets what he wants." Xichen adds proudly.

Nie Mingjue smiles before turning his attention to Lan Xichen. "Would you like a drink?"


"Any preferences?"

"Surprise me." Xichen answers with a wink.

"Wangji, can I get you anything?"

Lan Zhan gives his brother a look of disbelief which Xichen brushes off with a soft giggle.

"No thank you."

The muscular man turned and moved a little further down the bar where there was an open spot to order their drinks. Lan Zhan couldn't help but notice the way Xichen's honey colored eyes sparkled with infatuation as his brother watched the head of security walk away. He was about to tease his sibling when Wei Ying's voice came through the speakers.

"Welcome to the Lotus Club everyone!"

Cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd.

"Is everyone ready to sing?"

Applause was added to the cacophony of excited responses.

"Alright then! Let's get this party started!"

The first guest rushed onto the stage and hugged Wei Ying who graciously hugged her back. Jealousy flared inside Lan Zhan's heart. It was painful. He knew he had no right to feel this way but he couldn't help it. A part of him wanted to go up there and shove the woman away to claim what he wanted to be his. But he can't.

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