Safe Harbor Part Two

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For the first time in his adult life, Lan Zhan cannot find sleep. His usual routine leaves him wondering what is missing. He feels incomplete. Not even deep meditation can relieve the longing that has settled just under his skin, making him anxious for morning to arrive.

Their cabin is even more claustrophobic than when they arrived. Lan Zhan finds it difficult to breathe. His mind won't quiet. He keeps hoping that his brother will wake up and ask him what's wrong so he could find an answer to his worrisome condition. But Xichen never stirs, lulled to sleep by the movement of the ship.

So, Lan Zhan quietly sneaks out of the room for a walk.

He finds his way to the top deck where he can see the stars and feel the ocean air on his skin. The memory of his parents taking him and Xichen to the beach when they were small children washes over him unexpectedly.

Lan Zhan doesn't remember much. But he does remember how happy he was. How happy they all were. It was the last time they were all smiling and laughing like a loving family should be. A week later, his mother complained of a headache that just wouldn't go away. A week after that she was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Is that what's bothering him?

Lan Zhan doesn't think so. Something else is keeping him from sleeping.

No. Not something else.

Someone else.

He takes a deep breath, calming the inner turmoil in his heart. He wants to close his eyes but every time he does, eyes the color of liquid mercury stare back at him. No matter how hard he tries, Lan Zhan cannot forget the stunning cruise director.

"Wei Ying." he says, testing the name on his tongue.

It feels so right that he says it again, this time a little softer, a little deeper.

"Wei Ying."

"If you're going to say my name like that, you really should tell me yours."

Lan Zhan jumps back from the sexy voice murmuring in his ear, nearly stumbling over his own feet. A steady hand reaches out, long elegant fingers wrapping around his prominent bicep.

"Oh, wow! You must work out a lot." Wei Ying praises, his hand still locked around Lan Zhan's upper arm.

Lan Zhan knows he should say something. That he needs to say something.

However, those eyes he's been dreaming about for the past few hours are now looking directly into his. He sees nothing else. Hears nothing else but Wei Ying's melodic voice asking him if he's alright.

Why can't he answer? What words are the right ones? What if he says something wrong and Wei Ying laughs at him? Or worse, leaves?

"Do you speak English?" Wei Ying asks kindly.


"Okay then, do you need help? Are you feeling sick? Lots of people don't know they get seasick until it's too late. Are you nauseous or dizzy?"

Wei Ying starts assessing Lan Zhan with his hands and eyes. He places a cool hand against Lan Zhan's forehead to check for a fever. Two of his fingers press lightly onto his wrist to take his pulse.

"Well, you don't have a fever but your pulse is a bit fast. May I take you to the infirmary to have our doctor make sure everything is fine? She might even be able to prescribe you something to help you sleep if you like. She's the best physician we have in the fleet. But her bedside manner needs a little work. So I'll stay with you to make sure she treats you well. Okay?"

The only words Lan Zhan hears are, "...I'll stay with you..." and so he replies with a hopeful, "Yes."

Wei Ying takes Lan Zhan's hand in his and begins leading him towards the nearest elevator. Once inside, a silence fills the small metal box. But not one that's uncomfortable. Lan Zhan can't take his eyes off the man still holding his hand. Wei Ying leans against the back wall, completely relaxed as he steals glances at the quiet man next to him. The scent of lotus flowers and salt air grows stronger with each decreasing number on the illuminated screen. Lan Zhan takes a deep breath, committing to memory the intoxicating smell emanating off the ethereal man with cosmic eyes.

With a soft ping, the doors open to a floor below deck. Wei Ying exits first and Lan Zhan looks down at their joined hands as he obediently follows this stranger he has become fixated on.

He's never cared to touch someone like this before. Sure, as children, he and Xichen often held hands. His gege was always protective of him, always careful not to let Wangji wander off in a store or a park when their parents weren't around.

Lan Zhan assumes that Wei Ying is sort of doing the same thing. The kind cruise director is just making sure that he doesn't get lost so they can quickly make their way to the infirmary.

Maybe he is sick. The longer Wei Ying holds his hand, the more feverish Lan Zhan feels. His heart beats in weird rhythms and his ears feel like they're on fire. He can't concentrate on anything else around him except the man dressed in black shorts and red polo shirt. If anyone were to ask him what deck they were on, Lan Zhan would have to admit he has no idea.

Hell! He probably couldn't even tell them the name of the ship he's on. Or even his own name!

Panic starts to set in and he squeezes Wei Ying's hand tighter.

Wei Ying stops mid stride and looks back at Lan Zhan, his beautiful smile gone.

"Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" he asks in his professionally calm voice.

Lan Zhan shakes his head. "I'm fine."

"You're a little flushed. I think you have a slight fever. Don't worry. We're almost there. Fifth door on the right. And then A-Qing will have you feeling better in no time. Promise!"

Instantly, Lan Zhan feels the hundreds of butterflies that have been trapped inside his heart since he laid eyes on Wei Ying set free from their prison. He almost weeps at how beautiful Wei Ying's smile is, how it softens his alluring features and ignites his bewitching eyes. Something inside him opens like the first flower of spring yearning for the warmth of the sun. The need to know more about this perfect man is as strong as the moon's pull on the tides. And Lan Zhan can no more resist it than he can resist the passing of time.

"Lan Zhan."

Wei Ying blinks, his smile cocked to one side.

"It's nice to meet you, Lan Zhan."

They stare at each other for a long moment that should make Lan Zhan uncomfortable. Yet it doesn't. In fact, he's never felt more at home than he does right now.

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