Safe Harbor Part Five

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*Author's note: Imagine the picture of the restaurant above but on a cruise ship

Whatever Lan Zhan had thought dinner with Wei Ying was going to be like, it certainly wasn't this. This went beyond any expectation he could have ever imagined.

They enter the five star restaurant located at the back of the ship and make their way to a secluded table to the side. Antique lights are strung above them as well as lanterns painted with various tropical themes. A glass dome above them offers protection from the wind and weather yet gives the illusion that guests are eating under the stars. Palm trees sway with the motion of the ship adding to the magical mirage.

As he sits down, Lan Zhan notices that all the other guests present are seated a few tables away from theirs, offering them a bit of privacy. Was this Wei Ying's doing? Probably considering the sly grin plastered across his face.

Lan Zhan can't tear his eyes away from the man staring at him like he's a dish on the menu. His stomach is doing weird flip floppy things and his heart can't seem to keep a steady rhythm. He's never been on a date...

Oh my god! I'm on a date. With Wei Ying. I'm on a date with Wei Ying! But only because he wanted me to surf. What if he doesn't actually want to have dinner with me? Damn he looks hot! Does he do this all the time? Have private dinners with guests so they'll try new things? Maybe it's a thing he does so people will have fun. Am I having fun? I think so. I'd certainly be having more fun if we were...

"Earth to Lan Zhan." Wei Ying says playfully, waving his hand in front of his still stunned date.

Golden eyes blink rapidly before focusing on the man smiling back at him expectantly. Silver eyes shadowed by long, dark lashes stare back at him. Lan Zhan can only compare them to flawless diamonds placed under the brightest LED lights to show off their radiance. Wei Ying's long silky hair is done up into a messy bun tied with his signature red ribbon. Loose tendrils frame his delicate yet masculine features, captivating Lan Zhan with the purity of his simple beauty.

"Pretty view, isn't it?" Wei Ying asks in a hushed voice.

Lan Zhan's gaze darkens. "Gorgeous."

He can see a shiver make its way up Wei Ying's back and settle as a deep blush on his high cheekbones. Knowing he has that kind of effect on the tempting cruise director fills his veins with fire. It makes him want to do things that the person he was before stepping onto the ship would never have considered in a million years. However, there's just something about the alluring man sitting across from him that lowers his defenses and fills his heart with hundreds of fluttering butterflies.

A young woman with an eastern European accent brings a basket of bread and fills their water glasses. She glances at Lan Zhan before nodding once at Wei Ying. Another member of the waitstaff takes their drink order, patting their senior officer on the shoulder as they turn to return to the kitchen. Wei Ying opens his mouth to speak when he's interrupted by their dinner being delivered by a waiter who winks teasingly at him.

His glares at his shipmates are pointless and only antagonize his friends to make more frequent stops asking if there's anything else they need. An older woman whose name tag reads 'Head Waiter' approaches their table and greets Lan Zhan with a bow and a handshake. She insists that they let her know if there's anything they need, that her staff is at their complete disposal tonight.

Lan Zhan watches curiously as she bends down to whisper something in Wei Ying's ear. The cruise director blushes an even deeper red and smiles guiltily. He shoos her back to the other guests, then turns back to Lan Zhan with an innocent expression.

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