Safe Harbor Part Three

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Lan Zhan sits on the exam table as Dr. Wen Qing checks his vitals. She's very thorough, he'll give her that. He answers all her questions and notices that Wei Ying's rigid posture slowly begins to relax each time she follows with, "That's good."

The other thing he's noticed the entire time they've been in the infirmary is that Wei Ying has not let go of his hand. Their fingers have laced together firmly yet gently. However, their palms remain apart, almost as if that level of closeness would be too much, too forward, too intimate. Lan Zhan wants to tighten his grip on the warm hand in his but refrains, unwilling to make Wei Ying uncomfortable.

"So, he's alright?" Wei Ying asks. Lan Zhan thinks he hears a bit more concern in his voice than there should be but it's probably just his hopeful imagination.

"A-Xian, for the fifth time...yes, Mr. Lan is fine."

She looks at Lan Zhan whose eyes are still staring at Wei Ying's stunning profile. "I would like to give you some vitamin B6 for nausea. Just in case. We wouldn't want your vacation to be ruined by something I can prevent. Is that alright?"

Lan Zhan nods, hypnotized by Wei Ying's starlit eyes staring back at him. He hears the doctor shuffling around at the counter next to them, preparing to give him his dose of vitamin which he doesn't really need. But, if it means that Wei Ying will keep looking at him, keep holding his hand, then Lan Zhan will take whatever medicine she prescribes.

He feels the cold alcoholic wipe on his bare skin near his shoulder and knows what is coming. But apparently, Wei Ying does not.

Just as the needle penetrates his skin, Lan Zhan watches Wei Ying's eyes roll to the back of his head, his body falling forward, right into Lan Zhan's arms.

He must have a look of panic on his normally stoic face because Wen Qing giggles deviously.

"He hates needles. Passes out every time."

Lan Zhan glares at her with flaming daggers dipped in poison.

"Oh, calm down. He'll be fine. It happens all the time. Lay him on the table. I'll get my smelling salts."

Without hesitation, Lan Zhan lifts Wei Ying into his arms bridal style. However, he doesn't place the unconscious man on the table like the doctor told him to. Instead, he keeps holding Wei Ying, scooting himself farther back on the fake leather bed.

Gazing down at Wei Ying, he wonders how one man can be beautiful, handsome, and sexy all at the same time.

Long lashes that curl slightly at the ends rest on high cheekbones dusted with the effects of the tropical sun. Thick, defined brows arch in perfect curves over his now closed eyes. Strands of Wei Ying's soft hair rest against his forehead and Lan Zhan is compelled to brush them gently off the sun-kissed skin.

Lips as pink as spring rose petals and probably just as soft are parted ever so slightly. The desire to kiss them is stronger than any temptation Lan Zhan has felt before. A fire ignites under his skin as his eyes consume every detail of the enchanting face in front of him. From the shape of Wei Ying's nose to the placement of each faint freckle across his cheeks, Lan Zhan memorizes everything he can while he has the chance.

Wen Qing rips open the smelling salts and waves them under Wei Ying's nose. Silver eyes snap open, blinking in confusion before he wiggles out of Lan Zhan's hold.

"Sorry, Mr. Lan. Sorry, shijie." he mumbles.

"How many times have I told you A-Xian not to look directly at the needle?" Her tone is reprimanding but her eyes are soft.

"I know! I was looking at Lan Zhan's beautiful sunset gold eyes but when I smelled the alcohol wipe I couldn't stop myself. I was worried he'd be scared, that you would hurt him."

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