Safe Harbor - Part Seven

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The next day Lan Zhan is in hell.

Apparently, when his brother had booked the cruise, Xichen had also booked them on an excursion. He had wanted to encourage Lan Zhan to "enjoy the natural world around him", outside the white walls of his office and fluorescent lights of their real estate building. Which is the reason why Lan Zhan now finds himself on a boat, along with a hundred other people, speeding along the coast of St. Lucia to snorkel at a coral reef.

The excitement on his brother's face is the only thing stopping Lan Zhan from jumping overboard and swimming back to port.

Where Wei Ying is.

On the ship.

Lan Zhan's body feels like it's burning up with fever the farther away they get from the floating city on the sea. His hands keep fussing with the tiny loose string on the hem of his shirt or the velcro on the pocket of his swim trunks. Nothing holds his attention for long. Xichen tries to distract him by talking about the different types of sea life they might encounter but Lan Zhan's mind is two miles away.

Wei Ying had told him last night before they parted that he was leading a Zumba class on the pool deck. Images of him sweaty, breathing heavily, and dancing to a Latin rhythm surrounded by dozens of women lusting after his lithe muscular body makes Lan Zhan almost nauseous with jealousy.

His right leg bounces like a jackhammer as he constantly shifts in his seat trying to get comfortable. He has never felt this restless before. It unnerves him. At work, he is known as the Ice King (yes, he hears the whispers behind his back) because nothing unsettles him. He's known to keep calm in any situation no matter how out of control or demanding their clients are.

So why does he feel like a drug addict going through withdrawal?


He's addicted to Wei Ying.

The logical part of his brain (which was about 99% of it) tries to rationalize the way he is feeling. It fails miserably. Because the other 1% is currently throwing a temper tantrum like a three year old.

I want Wei Ying!!! Wei Ying!!! Take me back!! I hate you!! You're the meanest gege ever!! TAKE! ME! BACK!!! NOW!!!!

But there is no going back. At least not for another five hours.

"Didi! Look!" Xichen shouts enthusiastically as he points to a pod of dolphins playing in the wake of the boat.

Lan Zhan sighs. His brother has been so excited to finally go snorkeling and the look on his face shows it. Lan Zhan realizes he can't be selfish. It's been a long time since he's seen his brother's inner child shine through that Lan Zhan simply nods and places his arm around Xichen's shoulders.

Today will belong to his gege. But tonight is all Wei Ying's.


By the time they get back to the ship, it's almost time for dinner. Lan Zhan quickly showers and dresses, anxious to see Wei Ying.

However, the handsome cruise director is not seated at the captain's table like he was supposed to be. In fact, he's nowhere to be seen. Lan Zhan eats his dinner in silence, as per their family rules, but scarfs it down in record time. His eyes keep glancing at the dining room entrance, searching for those silver eyes he has missed all day.

"I'm sure he's fine, didi. He probably has some work to do. Maybe he's setting up something for tonight."

Xichen is probably right. But it doesn't make Lan Zhan feel any better.

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