Listen To The Heart Part 3

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Author's Notes:

Sentences in italics are Wei Ying's thoughts

Sentences in bold italics are Lan Zhan's thoughts

Wei Ying scrolled through his playlist. There wasn't one selection of music that would have even come close to resembling a classical piece. He kept swiping up, his finger stuck in a loop of frantic repetitiveness. Titles of songs flew by faster than the symbols of a slot machine on his screen.

Almost every genre was represented from all corners of the world. However, not one of them was older than his mother. Wei Ying was beginning to think he was a failure as a dance instructor because he didn't have one classical song to play for the yummy....PATIENT man standing behind him.

Why is it so damn hot in here all of a sudden? Did I forget to turn on the AC? Did I forget to pay the electric bill?

He laughed like a nervous chipmunk. "I-I'm sure I have something in h-here you'll like. I just d-don't remember what it's called, that's all. You know...all the classical pieces have letters a-and numbers and it's just so confusing. It never made any s-sense to me."

Oh! My! God! Can you sound any more ignorant?! He's gonna think you don't give two shits about classical music. The only kind of music he DOES like!

Quick! Download something! But what? I don't know any songs without words you can.....

A large warm hand slid over the top of Wei Ying's. His chaotic motion stilled under the calming touch. Afraid to move, he held his breath. Wide silver eyes slowly moved upwards to look into understanding gold ones gazing back at him.


Lan Zhan was lost in those galaxy eyes edged with thick dark lashes that gave Wei Ying the illusion of wearing eye liner. They were filled with facets of iridescent accents of blue and indigo, a stormy sea he wanted to drown in.

Resistance was futile. A body he once believed was immune to the temptation of the flesh now hungered for the touch of the man whose hand he was holding. So enraptured by the exquisite creature staring back at him, Lan Zhan didn't even notice the natural way his fingers began weaving their way into a more intimate clasp with the elegant hand beneath his.

"I trust Wei Wuxian's choice," he murmured.

"Wei Ying!"

Lan Wangji's head tilted almost unnoticeably to the right. His left brow lifted in curiosity.

Wei Ying yanked his hand away. "I-I birth name is W-Wei Ying. You can call me Wei Ying."

His stomach twisted at his fabulous lack of self-control. Lungs that had been stuck finally moved, exhaling what would probably be his last breath. Eyes that were dried out because he forgot to blink dropped to the floor he was going to be lying on in a few seconds because he had died from embarrassment.

Why would I ask him to call me by my birth name? We just met! He barely knows me. I barely know him! What possessed me to.....

"Wei Ying."

Oh yeah. That's why.

Lan Wangji's voice was like a warm summer breeze brushing across Wei Ying's skin. It made the fine hairs all over his body stand on end as if he had just been tickled by the tiny legs of a caterpillar.

Hearing his name spoken by such a deep, masculine voice brimming with confidence and need had his toes curling and of him....twitched.

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