Perfect Timing

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Sorry to interrupt "Listen to the Heart" shot but I've had this story burning a hole in my brain for over a week now and I just HAD to write it! It's a bit of funny with a touch of sweetness and a lot of hot at the end! So be warned! This one is for mature readers who love my smut and haven't had any lately! If you don't like reading stuff like this, please wait for the next dancing chapter. I promise it will be out in the next few days.

I got this idea from a TikTok Video and ran with it. So yes, this has actually happened to someone, somewhere, and maybe more than one person. Who knows?! I am not a doctor but I did try to stay true to the profession as best as I could so please don't judge! It's fiction! I also wrote it in one day and only did one edit. So if you find mistakes, just smile and keep reading. Thanks!


Lan Zhan was in the middle of stitching up some idiot who thought it would be a good idea to ride in a grocery cart being pulled by a car doing 50 mph when his brother pulled aside the curtain of the ER minor procedure room.

"Lan Wangji, there's a case in room 5 that needs your immediate attention."

Lan Xichen tried to sound serious. He really did. But the tight press of his lips and tiny giggles slipping through them were giving him away.

Lan Zhan didn't even look at him when he answered, "I'm in the middle of suturing my patient. I will go as soon as I'm finished."

"That's okay! I can finish for you. It's no problem."

Lan Xichen walked over and waited for his little brother to stand up and hand him the threads. But Wangji remained diligent on his task, his golden eyes never wavering from the man's deep laceration he was trying to mend.

"Wangji, go. I'll finish." Xichen ordered.

He was currently the Chief Resident at Yunmeng General Hospital. His younger brother was only a third year resident. Xichen hated playing the seniority card with his didi but right now, it was a necessity.

With a deep huff, Lan Zhan stood up, glared at his brother for not letting him complete his work with HIS patient, and walked out of the room.

Lan Xichen patted his back as he passed by. "You'll thank me later, didi." he said with a laughing smile.

Exiting the room, Lan Zhan walked down the hall to where the examination rooms were. He stopped in front of room 5, pulled the patient's chart out of the plastic holder, and froze when he saw the name on the top of the paperwork.

Wei Wuxian.

His old college roommate.

The roommate he had fallen in love with but never confessed to.

The roommate who had returned to his home in Yunmeng to fulfill his dream of becoming a social worker for abused kids.

The roommate he hadn't seen in five years.

Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan never finished reading the chart. Instead, he wrapped his hand around the cold metal doorknob, took a deep steadying breath, and knocked lightly to announce his presence.

Unsure if Wei Ying would remember him after so many years, Lan Zhan decided to play it safe as he walked through the door.

"Hello, my name is......"

"Lan Zhaaaaan! Help me!" Wei Ying moaned.

There, on the examination table, lay the beautiful man that had stolen Lan Zhan's heart the moment he had walked into their shared dorm room. This was definitely not one of the scenarios of their reunion the young doctor had created in his mind hundreds of times over the last few years.

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