Writing the Fool - Part 1

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The arrival of the guest disciples in Cloud Recesses fills Lan Zhan with an unfamiliar uneasiness. It wriggles in his stomach like a dying worm. And no matter how long or often he meditates, he can't ignore this unwelcome feeling.

No longer is his home peaceful and calm. Today, students from all the major clans and few of the neighboring minor ones have all invaded his world of order and discipline. Dressed in their colorful robes, they pass by him bowing their heads before continuing their excited chatter. Their bodies move erratically as they dart around, inspecting their new surroundings and classmates. The serenity of the main courtyard is shattered as their voices buzz like annoying insects around Lan Zhan's head.

After greeting him, all the young disciples ignore him, fearful of making eye contact with the Second Jade of the Lan Clan. None of them try to start a conversation with him or ask him how he is doing today. They keep their distance and move wordlessly out of his way as he walks regally towards the lecture hall.

If Lan Zhan was any other young man, their avoidance might have hurt his feelings. Instead, he finds great relief in the fact that he doesn't have to talk to them. Were someone to approach him and begin a conversation, he knows the polite thing to say would be how happy he is to have them attend the lectures. It's what his brother would say.

However, lying is forbidden in Cloud Recesses. It also makes Lan Zhan nauseous. Which means that if he opened his mouth, only the truth would be spoken. So, better to be ignored than scolded by his uncle for being rude.

This year, Lan Qiren has requested that Wangji also attend classes. Supposedly, it will be good for him although Lan Zhan doesn't see why, he already knows everything that will be taught to the visiting disciples. Even his brother encouraged him to participate, something about making friends.

But why does he need to make friends with other young cultivators when they'll only be here for a year? He has his bunnies to keep him company (okay, so they have to stay outside Cloud Recesses, but he visits them every day), and his shufu and gege to talk to. Practicing his guqin, honing his sword skills, and meditating to sharpen his mind do not require him to talk.

Speaking for no reason is also a misuse of precious energy. The Lan Clan rule about not being wasteful doesn't only pertain to food. It can be considered for many things such as water, time, necessities like clothes, money, and especially talking.

Which is why Lan Zhan can't understand why his brother is greeting each guest disciple with a personal welcome. He watches confusedly as Lan Xichen moves graciously amongst every visitor, bowing before them and offering his services. Why not just stand in front of the lecture hall with everyone seated and say what he has to say once? It would save so much time and energy.

Striding through the doorway with a quiet elegance, Lan Zhan takes his seat at the front of the class. He would much prefer to sit in the back and watch the other disciples to make sure they're behaving. He is the enforcer of the Lan rules, after all. But his uncle requested that he sit in the front so the other youth could see how a perfect student conducts himself.

As the students file into the classroom, Lan Zhan keeps his eyes forward, his back straight, and his hands in his lap. He listens as the other young men and women shuffle around to find their seats. Murmurs of expectations reach his sensitive ears but he remains as still as a statue. All the clans want their children to be like him. It's why they send their future heirs to the GusuLan Clan lectures every five years.

Lan Zhan sits motionless, his breathing calm and even, his body relaxed and mind focused.

That is, until he hears a tiny giggle that sounds like tinkling bells in the breeze.

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