Listen to the Heart Part 6

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One month.

One month of lessons.

One month of learning.

One month of flirting.

One month of yearning.

One month of wanting.

Lan Zhan had been coming to the dance studio every Saturday and Wednesday. And every lesson was another day of temptation.

Wei Ying was patient with him. Very patient. He took things slow, explaining each grouping of steps. They would repeat each section of movements until Lan Zhan could perform them without a misstep. Once Wei Ying felt like his student had mastered one part, he would move onto the next. After Lan Zhan could perform each of those new steps without hesitation, they would go back to the beginning and incorporate the new moves.

Wei Ying had been impressed with how quickly Lan Zhan learned the dances. Sure they were simple ballroom ones but the hunky temptation definitely did not have two left feet. In fact, Lan Zhan moved with surprising power and grace.

That second night when Lan Zhan took the lead, Wei Ying's heart went from an excited pitter pat to a thunderous pounding. An arousing heat spread throughout his body until he was flushed with hot desire pouring through his veins. Golden eyes captured his silver ones, Wei Ying surrendering himself willingly to the man imprisoning his free will. The strong hand on his waist held him protectively, the other clutched his hand in an affectionate grasp.

From that moment on, Wei Ying taught Lan Zhan the lead dancer's steps which he mastered quite easily. Yet, there was something missing. So tonight, Wei Ying decided to change things up a bit.

"Lan Zhan, tonight we're going to try something new."


New is bad. What's wrong with what we've been doing? Is Wei Ying not pleased with my dancing? Am I doing something wrong? I can work harder. Wei Ying, I'll.....

"Do you trust me?" Wei Ying asked with an understanding smile.

Wei Ying had seen the flicker of panic flash across Lan Zhan's handsome face and he suddenly felt bad. He knew how nervous his new dance partner became whenever Wei Ying introduced a new set of steps. But with a bit of quiet patience and gentle encouragement, Lan Zhan would relax and focus on what he needed to learn.

Wei Ying reached out and took Lan Zhan's larger hand in his. He threaded their fingers together and pressed their palms together.

"Do you trust me?" he asked again, a subtle undertone of hunger laced within the words.

Lan Zhan's heart hammered in his chest.

With my life. Anything Wei Ying wants, I'll do. Whatever Wei Ying needs, I'll give him.

"Trust Wei Ying." Lan Zhan replied, his golden eyes flaring with honesty.

Damn! That voice! He's gonna give me a fucking hard on before we even get there. Fine. No more talking!

Wei Ying tried to tear his eyes away from Lan Zhan's savage glare but his body refused to listen to him. He was completely hypnotized. The spell cast upon him was only broken when Lan Zhan blinked and turned to gather his things.

Okay, don't look at him either.

Wei Ying turned the lights off and ushered Lan Zhan out of the studio. Thankfully, the unsuspecting man didn't notice the devious grin sneaking its way across his lips.


Lan Zhan hated places like this. They reeked of alcohol, sweat, and hormones. The colorful lights blinded him as they circled like search lights around the darkened room.

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