Listen to the Heart Part 5

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Lan Zhan stood outside the dance studio door. His heart was galloping like a champion thoroughbred in his chest. The hand that should have been turning the doorknob was frozen over the brushed nickel piece of metal. He had rehearsed what he was going to say to the enchanting silver eyed man a hundred times in his head on the way over. Multiple scenarios of how he was going to take control of their dance today and claim Wei Ying as his own had played out like a Broadway musical in his eager brain.

But, now that he was here, Lan Zhan's mind was a complete blank. He blamed his temporary memory loss on the fact that he hadn't had a wink of sleep that night. Even though he had followed the same routine he performed every night and laid in his bed in his normal sleeping position, he just couldn't get comfortable. Not even his deep meditation ritual could diminish the painful longing in Lan Zhan's heart.

Every time he closed his eyes, sparkling silver ones full of laughter and innocent charm stared back at him. The sound of Wei Ying's voice guiding him through his steps had him moaning into his pillow. By the early hours of morning, the memory of that lithe body leading him around the dance floor had him harder than a crowbar.

Unable to find peace, he finally succumbed to the primal needs consuming him. He stroked himself hard and fast, chanting Wei Ying's name as he came all over his bunny pajamas.

Right now, as he stared at the frosted glass on the door, his plan of seducing the ravishing silver eyed dance instructor was quickly going down in flames.

All he had to do was turn the knob. That was it. Turn it, walk through the door, and take Wei Ying in his arms.

So why couldn't he do it? What was stopping him?

What if he doesn't like me?

Loud music was playing behind the still closed door. It was a strong latin rhythm that infected Lan Zhan's body with its seductive pulse.

Was Wei Ying giving someone else a lesson? Did someone else have their hands on his dancer? Were their bodies pressed close together?

Of course Lan Zhan had seen videos of dancers performing those sensual latin moves where they were so intimate it looked like they were making love on the dance floor. Thoughts of someone else holding Wei Ying sparked a possessive rage in him. Emotions entirely new to him rolled through his newly stolen heart. An animalistic growl rumbled deep in his chest, his nostrils flaring like an enraged bull.

Get in there now! Break that shit up before someone else steals that gorgeous specimen of a human being out of your hands! You have three black belts and are a dead shot at two thousand meters! You know what you want! Now go get him!

Taking a deep breath, Lan Zhan grabbed the innocent knob so hard he practically tore it off the door. He was about to go charging in when his eyes landed on the most captivating scene he had ever seen.

And he froze.

Wei Ying.

There he was in all his stunning beauty and talent. Lean muscular legs carried Wei Ying across the dance floor as if he was not of this earth. They lifted and lowered his flawless form with ease, his steps quick and precise. Everything about him was absolute perfection. Arms snapped outward with the speed of a striking snake then curled around his twisting body in a seductive embrace.

Lan Zhan's mouth went dry. He watched with pale eyes darkened from the primal lust engulfing his body. Within the dimly lit room, the flexible beauty lost to the passionate music singing from the speaker undulated his lithe form in suggestive motions that seemed impossible by the human body.

Lan Zhan's famous self-control began to slip away like a receding tide. A primal groan reverberated in his chest as Wei Ying's hips swung suggestively back and forth. Those plump mounds of flesh that Lan Zhan's hands were aching to palm flexed and hardened under the tight black and red leggings practically painted on Wei Ying's tanned skin.

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