Listen to the Heart Part 4

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"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!! You're the best Shijie ever! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Wei Ying bounced up and down, lifting a very confused Jiang Yanli with him. He spun her around and dipped her in an exuberant dance. His excitement was bubbling out of him, uncontainable and Yanli couldn't be happier for her brother.

There was only one problem.

"A-Xian, I didn't do anything."

"That's exactly why you're the best sister ever!" he cheered, lifting his big sister off the ground even higher and spinning her around until they were both dizzy.

"Does this have anything to do with your lesson tonight?" she asked. Her giggles were like tiny bubbles floating all around him and Wei Ying smiled even brighter.

"Yes! Yes! I've never...he was....damn was he ever....I thought I was gonna melt! And those eyes! My's still pounding! Here! Feel!"

Wei Ying grabbed Jiang Yanli's hand and excitedly pressed it against his heaving chest. She gasped at how quickly the thumps repeated under her warm touch. Her brother was in perfect shape, a well-seasoned dancer. But the way he was was almost as if he had met.....

"Shijie, everything about him was just.....uhhhh!!! He's so perfect! So unbelievably handsome! He can't be real. I must have fallen asleep. Yeah! That's it! It was all a dream. But....I touched him. And he held me like.....Fuck!! I'm so screwed! I wanna....but I can't. What if he...he probably doesn't....but what if he does? He would never like....but he said....except you. Damn that voice! I wonder.....oooh I wish I could.....but that'll never happen."

Wei Ying had let go of his sister's hand and was moving erratically around his little apartment above the dance studio. His words were chopped, his thoughts scattered. Yanli had difficulty understanding him yet found his behavior quite adorable. She had her suspicions. But she needed Wei Ying to say it himself.

"A-Xian calm down. Just tell me what happened."

Without stopping his pacing, Wei Ying tried to explain but his words were a jumbled mess. There was no way he could accurately describe the stunning man that had stolen his heart in less than an hour.

Was that even normal? No, it was definitely not normal. There was no way he could have fallen that hard for someone in only one lesson. Unfortunately, his heart disagreed. It fluttered as if it was filled with tiny bird wings at the mere thought of Lan Zhan. His body burned with an unexpected want, every nerve tingling from where their hands had been joined just moments ago. Images of the masculine businessman flashed through his mind on repeat, his scent still lingering on Wei Ying's clothes.

"A-Xian, I thought it was an older gentleman that was coming tonight. He sounded very....boring on the phone. Isn't that who you gave a lesson to?"

Wei Ying stopped in his tracks. He turned and locked gazes with his still confused sister. Through sealed lips, laughter erupted in short bursts. He couldn't help it.

"Oh, shijie! He's definitely not old. And he's definitely not boring." he answered with a devilish cocky smile.

"Okay, so explain."

Wei Ying led his sister over to the worn red couch where they sat facing each other. Something flickering in those silver eyes had her holding her breath. It was something she hadn't seen in years. And she hoped it would stay this time. Her brother had been disappointed too many times and she didn't think she could see him hurt again.

Wei Ying took a deep breath, calming himself so he could keep his thoughts and mouth moving at the same speed.

"His name is Lan Zhan. He's about my age. The reason he's taking lessons is because his uncle wants him to be able to properly dance at his twenty-fifth birthday party in a few months. Something about being able to impress the ladies."

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