Safe Harbor Part Four

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Lan Zhan stands in front of the full mirror in their room.

Xichen fiddles with his neatly organized clothes in the top drawer of his dresser, trying to contain the downward smile threatening to reveal his secret happiness for his brother.

"So, didi. What do you want to do today?" Xichen has to clamp his mouth shut to stop the trickles of laughter bubbling to break past his lips.

For the past fifteen minutes, he has watched Wangji try on all three pairs of swim trunks he purchased yesterday with different t-shirts, turning from front to back, sticking out his chest and practicing his smile. Apparently, his brother has something planned today. And Xichen is already devising strategies on how to make him talk.

"Do you want to go on an excursion? I'm sure we could find something with spots still open. at the port? You don't seem to like what we bought yesterday."

Xichen nearly chokes on his own joke.

Lan Zhan either doesn't hear him or is choosing to ignore his annoying older brother. However, Xichen isn't bothered. He's thrilled to see Wangji acting like a nervous teen trying to decide on what to wear for his first date.

"I have plans." Lan Zhan mumbles.

There's no way he's going to tell Xichen about Wei Ying. Even though he and his brother have never competed over anyone, Lan Zhan has always felt as if he was the lesser brother.

Xichen smiles with the warmth of the morning sun.

Wangji's lips barely turn up at the corners.

Xichen laughs with the lightness of a feather.

Wangji can count how many times he quietly gave a fake chuckle to fit in on one hand.

Xichen converses easily, settling in easily to any conversation.

Wangji only ever says what he has to. No more. No...okay, probably less.

People have always been drawn to Xichen by his amiability and open personality while Wangji has always found it difficult to plaster an untrue expression on his face just to make others happy. Why should they be happy while he has to suffer through their unbearable presence?

"You made plans without me?" Xichen gasps, placing his hand over his heart.

Lan Zhan casts a side-eye at his brother's dramatic brattiness.

"Didi, I booked this vacation so we could spend time together. I barely see you anymore." Xichen whines, adding a pout for emphasis. "But if you want to do something without me....I guess it's fine. I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy until you come back."

Lan Zhan huffed in defeat. His brother always knew how to lay it on thick.

"Fine. You may come, too."

"Oh, thank you, didi! You'll never know I'm there, I promise!"

"Mn." Wangji said as he took one final look at himself before heading for the door.

Xichen fell in step behind him. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

Without hesitation, Lan Zhan replied, "The Flowrider."


Xichen has no idea what a "flowrider" is but, if Wangji wants to participate in an activity that involves people, he's all for it!

They make their way up to the top deck with Xichen trying to keep pace with his brother's unusually hurried strides. A large crowd surrounds the surf pool, everyone politely worming their way through a sea of bodies to get the best view. There's loud dance music playing to add to the fever of the activity and everyone is clapping, singing, and dancing along with the heavy bass beat.

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