Safe Harbor Part Eight

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Over the next three days, Lan Zhan spends all his time with Wei Ying. He participates in every activity Wei Ying leads, from bingo to painting class to yoga. Wherever the cruise director goes, so does Lan Zhan. There isn't anything he's unwilling to suffer through or embarass himself in as long as he can find those eyes that sparkle like the midnight moon shimmering on the black ocean water looking back at him. No matter how many people cast curious glances his way or whisper about how strange it is for him to be following Wei Ying all over the ship, Lan Zhan tackles every judgemental look and word with the love he has for the handsome cruise director in his expanding heart.

Nothing will keep him from spending every minute he has left on the ship with Wei Ying.

Okay. Almost nothing.

There may be one exception. Well, not just one.

A whole pack of them.

Tiny humans are quite scary. Especially when they're screaming for Wei Ying's attention and jumping all around the cruise director like a horde of hungry little monsters as soon as he enters the area designated for the younger cruisers.

Apparently, every ship has a place for young children to stay while their parents enjoy port excursions that are not kid appropriate. Or, if the parents want some grownup time to enjoy a nice dinner together or go dancing for a while, the ship's staff entertains the children with games, crafts, and activities.

Wei Ying is so good with the youngsters and they're all so familiar with him which means this isn't the first time they've met him. He talks to each one of them, asking how they're enjoying the trip and what they would like to do today. But it isn't what he says to them that has Lan Zhan's heart softening. It's how he talks to them.

Most adults talk to kids like they're...well, kids. They talk down to children as if the younger ones aren't smart enough to understand basic language or can't understand words unless they're spoken in a high-pitched voice.

But Wei Ying is different.

He's firm with them yet does it so gently that the kids naturally follow his directions to form a circle in the middle of the room. His tone doesn't change as the conversations move between his staff and the children. Instructions are given in simple and easy to understand sentences yet the language is not demeaning or belittling.

And Wei Ying seems just as excited to play a game of charades as the kids do. His enthusiasm is completely contagious and soon even the more introverted children are smiling and giggling at his overexaggerated gestures. Wrong guesses are met with encouragement, not words of negativity which makes the young ones try even harder.

Lan Zhan has seen how well Wei Ying interacts with the adults on board which usually makes his blood sour with jealousy. However, as he watches the cruise director play with the boisterous group of six to eight year olds, his heart melts with a different type of love.

This love is soft and gentle. It fills every corner of his body and leaves him wanting something he never knew he needed.

A family of his own.

But not just any family. One with Wei Ying.

The way the cruise director's eyes light up with excitement every time a child guesses his charade correctly makes Lan Zhan happier than he's ever been. Wei Ying's uninhibited laughter that brings giggles to everyone around him leaves Lan Zhan breathless with wonder.

At this moment, Lan Zhan fully understands what it means to fall head over heels for someone. He completely understands why people say love is blind. And he painfully understands why it's called a crush.

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