Listen to the Heart Part 10

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The next two months flew by. Lan Zhan learned from Wei Ying's sister that his stubborn boyfriend's birthday (Wei Ying refused to tell Lan Zhan when his birthday was because he didn't want his boyfriend spending any money on him) was at the end of October. He decided to do something romantic yet simple considering they were both still new to the whole boyfriend thing. Lan Zhan remembered what Wei Ying had said about movies so they took in a matinee followed by a candlelit dinner and then an evening movie afterwards.

Wei Ying couldn't stop smiling. It was the best birthday he had had in years. And it wasn't the food or the movies that made it the best. It was that Lan Zhan never let go of his hand. His boyfriend made sure he was warm and well fed without making Wei Ying feel uncomfortable. Lan Zhan asked him questions that made him feel important. He said things that made Wei Ying feel like he was the center of Lan Zhan's universe.

Okay, the kisses also made the night wonderful. Who wouldn't turn into a puddle of want after locking lips with the most gorgeous man on the planet who treated you like a precious gift?!

And speaking of gifts......Lan Zhan presented Wei Ying with a bouquet of red roses that looked like they came out of an artist's painting when he arrived at the apartment. He gifted his dancer a black leather bracelet with a silver emblem in the middle.

Lan Zhan explained that the symbol was Wei Ying's clan emblem from hundreds of years ago. He explained that Wei Ying was a descendant of people who were fierce warriors who protected the weak. Lan Zhan had seen Wei Ying's fighting spirit in the way he danced, in how he refused to give up if something didn't work out the first time. It was one of the things that made him fall in love with the dancer.

Another was the way Wei Ying kissed him like his life depended on it. Who wouldn't lose their mind if a beautiful, muscular, and graceful man kissed you like you were made for them?!

When the holidays came, they celebrated together, choosing to keep their families in the dark about their relationship for the time being. Their official announcement would come at Lan Zhan's birthday party in less than a month. Well, it was a secret to their families except for Wei Ying's sister and Lan Zhan's brother.

Both siblings had begun to notice how much time they were spending together and had asked questions the couple couldn't brush off. Wei Ying had been right about his shijie. She practically sat him in a chair under a bright light and demanded to know why her brother was in the studio for hours on end after his regular lessons. She begged to know why her A-Xian was smiling all the time. And not just any smile but the stupid love grin that made him look half drunk.

Lan Zhan's brother was no better. With his calculating words and keen eyes he had seen his didi leaving work early and returning home late. Lan Xichen noticed his little brother being kinder with his words when speaking to their staff and the even softer looks on his face when he checked his phone. He didn't need to ask Lan Zhan questions to get the answers he needed. Lan Xichen could see it on Wangi's face. He could hear it in his little brother's voice when Lan Zhan announced that he would be increasing his lesson schedule in order to learn additional dances for his party.

However, on the Friday three weeks prior to the party, Lan Zhan walked into the studio with a sullen expression.

How am I going to tell him? I'll just be honest. Well, as honest as I can be. But will Wei Ying understand? Of course he will! He loves me! And it's not like it's forever. But he will be sad. And I hate when he's sad. How will I make it up to him? Flowers? No, not enough. Food? He loves food. That's a start. Maybe he'd like the theater if he likes movies. Hmmm, that's an idea. Something funny though. I don't want him to cry. Is he going to cry when I tell him? God I hope not! I won't be able to do it if I see even one tear in those beautiful eyes of his.

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