Listen to the Heart Part 7

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Friendly reminder: 

Wei Ying's inner thoughts are in italics

Lan Zhan's inner thoughts are in bold italics

"That wasn't what I had in mind when I brought you here." Wei Ying chuckled.

Oh who am I kidding? I wanted to dirty dance with you the first time I saw you in the studio.

"Wei Ying is....disappointed?" Lan Zhan replied, his one eyebrow arched in mock disbelief.

"Awwww hell no! I want to see more of this side of you. Fortunately for me, the lesson's not over yet."

Lan Zhan smirked. He held out his hand, palm up. "May I have this dance?"

Playing along, Wei Ying fluttered his long eyelashes. He slid his hand seductively into Lan Zhan's awaiting one, trembling when his studly student placed a hot lingering kiss on the back of his hand.

"How am I supposed to resist a strong alpha male like you, Lan Zhan?"

You're not, my dear Wei Ying. You have no idea what sort of things I want to do to you. But I don't want to scare you, my little bunny. So for now, I'll take things slow.

Lan Zhan's heart thrashed against the ribs that caged it. His body was still humming as he led the dancer back to the dance floor, eager to feel Wei Ying's body moving in his arms. His fear of making mistakes evaporated under the dazzling brightness of two silver eyes looking at him with exhilaration.

They danced without rules, without steps. They anticipated each other's moves, their bodies in perfect synchronicity. One did not move without the other. The dance floor belonged to them. They belonged to each other. They never wanted the night to end.

Unfortunately, their wish went unanswered.

"Last call, people! And don't forget to tip your bartenders for serving all your drunk asses tonight!" the DJ announced over his microphone.

Lan Zhan looked questioningly at Wei Ying, a relaxed smile still plastered on his lips.

"That means the bar is closing in thirty minutes. If you want a drink, we should get one now."

"I don't drink."

"You mean tonight? You have work tomorrow?"

Lan Zhan shook his head, a tilted grin gracing his lips. "Never. I never drink."

But I do like to eat exotic delicacies.

Wei Ying's jaw dropped. "As in never? You've never had a drink? Not even a Fuzzy Navel? Or a Mimosa?"

"I don't know what those are. So, no. I've never had alcohol."

What the fuck? Really?

"Why the hell not?!" Wei Ying screeched, his face contorting into the cutest look of disbelief.

"My job requires me to be alert. My mind has to stay sharp. People depend on me."

Lives depend on me.

"Okay, I can understand that. you work tomorrow? Is anyone depending on you tomorrow?"

Lan Zhan thought about it for a second, his bottom lip pushing up into his top one. He shook his head realizing that he had the next two days off.

Wei Ying's face lit up with excitement. "Alright then! Let's have one shot in celebration of your dancing achievement tonight. One shot won't kill you."

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