Listen to the Heart Part 9

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"I'm sorry. Did you say.....boyfriend?"

What in the hell happened last night? How did I get Wei Ying to be my boyfriend? Was it something I said? Damn I wish I could remember! Something I did? It was definitely NOT my dancing! Why the hell am I questioning the fact that this silver eyes beauty is calling me his boyfriend? I should just stop and go with it, right? Yes, just go with it.

Wei Ying trotted up to him and wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's reddening neck. His eyelashes fluttered, making Lan Zhan's heart mimic their quickness. Wei Ying gave the confused man in his arms an eskimo kiss then planted a playful one on his lips.

"Yeah, silly! You said you wanted to court me. Isn't that like dating? Soooo if we're officially dating, then we must be an official couple, right? And that makes you, dear sir, my BOYFRIEND!"

The space between Lan Zhan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. His gaze drifted off in search of last night's elusive events. He wasn't used to not knowing....well, anything. It was actually quite disturbing and didn't sit right in his gut.

"Right?" Wei Ying asked again, his arms sliding off of Lan Zhan's shoulders. His voice was tinged with confusion, fear, and pain.

Lan Zhan hated that sound. He needed to understand what happened but he also needed to make Wei Ying happy again. He took Wei Ying's hand and led his dream-come-true back to the couch. A deepening frown was spreading like a fissure across Wei Ying's perfect lips. Lan Zhan's heart was screaming at him to bring back the smile that made it float on warm updrafts of bliss.

Lan Zhan stopped, his arms caging Wei Ying in a suffocating hug. Wei Ying's body stiffened at first but slowly eased into the warmth surrounding him. He breathed in the heady sandalwood scent still lingering on Lan Zhan. His arms slid effortlessly up the broad back that seemed endless under his hands.

This is the 'I'm sorry but I don't really want to be your boyfriend.' speech. The 'You're nice but I just want to be friends.' talk. I was so stupid. Damn! Why does it hurt so much? Why won't he let me go? Why can't I let HIM go? Let him go, you stupid idiot.

Eventually, they sat down together on the couch, their legs lightly touching. Lan Zhan could feel the dancer trying to politely pull free yet something inside him refused to let go. His fear of losing Wei Ying flowed like ice through his veins and had him tightening his grip on the slightly smaller hand in his. This simple contact was something he desperately needed right now.

"You don't remember, do you?" Wei Ying asked.

He couldn't even look Lan Zhan in the eyes, afraid of the honesty he would see in them. His words came out more as a statement than a question, each word gouging gaping holes in his heart. He should have known it was too good to be true. Only a drunk man would want to date him.

"I don't." Lan Zhan answered truthfully but regretfully.

Wei Ying tried to stand up. However, a strong hand held him in place. Tears he tried to ignore welled up in his eyes. They burned like hot ashes. His chest was heavy from the weight of Lan Zhan's rejection. It hurt as he tried to take in breaths his lungs refused to accept.

"I-I'm sorry. I...I took advantage....I should've....."

I should leave. Wait! I can't. This is my place. Damnit! I could go to my room. Yeah! That's it. I'll just go to my room and then......

"Wei Ying doesn't want to be my boyfriend?"

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying with teasing golden eyes, a smile tempting the corners of his lips.

"Because I very much want to be Wei Ying's boyfriend."

Lan Zhan's baritone voice was unwavering, strong in its conviction. Wei Ying's head shot up, those striking silver eyes flashing like a million exploding stars. Disbelief sent shivers of hope down his spine until his entire body was trembling.

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