Safe Harbor Part One

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Lan Zhan begins unpacking his clothes and making sure his toiletries are all accounted for. He places his clothes in the top drawer of the small dresser in the room and arranges them according to outfit selection. Next, he takes his toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, soap, shampoo, and facial regiment into the bathroom. He has never seen such a small bathroom considering he's in a suite. His coat closet at home is bigger.

Carefully placing everything in a location that made sense to his routine, he takes one final look and exits with a small huff.

"Wangji, you do know you're supposed to be relaxing and having fun, right?"

Lan Xichen is smiling at his younger brother who seems to be more annoyed than happy at the moment.

"I could have relaxed at home," Wangji grumbles.

"You never relax at home. You're always at the office. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you slept there."

Lan Zhan's posture stiffens.

Lan Xichen gapes. "Didi! You sleep in your office?" When his little brother fails to look him in the eye, he sighs. "How often?" he asks, his voice filled with a deep sadness.

"Does not matter." Wangji answers flatly.

Xichen drops his shirt he was refolding and moves closer to Wangji.

"Of course it matters, baby brother. Working as hard as you do, spending every hour at the's not healthy."

Lan Zhan side-eyes his overly concerned brother. "There's a gym in the basement I use five times a week."

Xichen shakes his head slowly. "I wasn't talking about your physical health. And you know it."

Lan Zhan does know it. He's lost count as to how many times his older brother has tried to fix him up on a date with a friend or acquaintance over the past few years. It didn't matter if the woman was pretty, successful, or talented. There was never any spark. Not even a flicker of interest in his heart.

If Lan Zhan is being honest with himself, he's beginning to think there is something wrong with him.

Throughout his young life, friends and family all around him found people who enjoyed their company, someone who wanted to spend the rest of their lives with them. He had been the third wheel on more than a few of Xichen's dates until he finally met Nie Mingjue. He had attended many weddings and always struggled to understand how you knew when you found..."the one".

"I'm going to get some air," Wangji says.

"In your suit?"

Lan Zhan looks down at what he's wearing, puzzled. "Yes?"

Xichen rolls his eyes. "Did you pack any casual clothes?"

A cock of Lan Zhan's head nearly has Xichen moaning in frustration.

"That's it! We're going shopping. Right now."

Lan Zhan opens his mouth to argue but is stopped by a rather large hand in his face.

"No but's, didi! Right! Now! Go! Out the door!"

With an annoyed glare in his sharp golden eyes, Lan Zhan is unceremoniously pushed out of their cabin.

The hallway is narrow, barely allowing two people to walk side by side. Which is fine by Xichen who remains behind his little brother to stop any possible escape. At the end of the hall, they take the elevator down three levels to the shopping area. Here, the floors are as shiny as the endless jewelry showcased behind glass. Lights make it bright even though the sun is beyond layers of metal.

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