Safe Harbor Part Nine

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Throughout breakfast, Lan Zhan remains mostly silent, allowing Xichen and Mingjue to guide the conversation. Occasionally, his eyes catch the gaze of Wei Ying who is unusually quiet and still. He doesn't allow himself the luxury of staring into those stardust eyes because he knows if he does, he won't have the courage to do what must be done.

In the end, Lan Zhan can count on one hand the number of words he spoke during the meal. When he gets up to leave, Wei Ying remains in his seat, head down, eyes blinking back tears. His heart clenches painfully. But he bears it with an expression that leaves nothing to the imagination.

"Lan Zhan, I..."

"I need to pack. Please excuse me."

No one stops him. No one says anything to make him rethink his decision to walk away. He expects Wei Ying to say something light-hearted but, when the cruise director denies him even that consolation, Lan Zhan realizes how much he misses Wei Ying's laughter and playfulness.

Back in his cabin, he throws his suitcase on the bed and begins to furiously pack his clothes. There's less than 24 hours to go before he needs to depart the ship to catch his flight back to the states. And he's dreading every minute of it.

He leaves only his essentials needed to shower and dress in the morning. The faster he can be off the ship, the better.

After lunch, he ventures out of the room to enjoy one last meal in the open air and sunshine before returning to his life in the city. His laptop sits on the table along with his untouched meal. It has long gone into sleep mode, its screen dark from lack of activity.

From the ship's itinerary, Lan Zhan knows that Wei Ying is currently busy with the ship's farewell show in the theater. His heart screams at him to take one last look at the man who stole his heart and refuses to give it back. Yet his mind warns him of the consequences of the foolish act. Nothing good can come from watching Wei Ying perform for the hundreds of people longing to show their appreciation for the cruise director and his staff for their hard work the past week.

So instead, he makes his way to the upper level. The sun warms his skin and the wind caresses his hair in a way Lan Zhan knows will never happen again. Here, on board this magnificent floating city, he feels free. There are no deadlines to meet, no clients to please. The pressure of selling a multimillion dollar condo isn't bearing down on him like the timer on a bomb ready to go off if he fails.

Sadly, staying here is not an option. His family is depending on him. Clients need him to find their dream home where they can raise their families and live happily ever after. Obligations he cannot ignore bind him to the place that has given him a good life and an opportunity to help others. The wealth of their company is shared through various charities that he and his brother established to give the people in their city a chance to succeed and flourish.

To leave it all behind is...impossible.

On his way back to the room, he stops in two of the gift shops to purchase a few souvenirs for his staff. The jewelry store has just what he needs for his secretary who manages his hectic schedule and deals with impatient clients. He also buys his uncle a Longines watch with a dark blue face and diamonds for the numbers. The man may have been tough on him and Xichen but he got them to where they are today. And for that, he is grateful.

At another shop, he picks up two bottles of perfume and a box of Cuban cigars. Satisfied with his gifts, Lan Zhan heads back to the room to pack them safely for the return trip.

Many people have already placed bulging suitcases and bags outside their doors for the crew to collect overnight. The luggage will eventually be taken below deck to unload at the port so passengers can collect their things much like an airport baggage claim. The hallway is a maze, forcing Lan Zhan to keep his eyes moving and focused directly in front of him. Touching other people's stuff is not high on his list of things he loves to do so he avoids the bags with graceful twists of his body.

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