Chapter - 7

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-Avneet's pov-

A week. A week passed since Siddharth became our professor. A week since he took up the mission to make my life hell. And just so you know, he was doing a wonderful job.

Every minute in the class, he had his eyes on me. I would be distracted for a second and he would call me out and ask me a question. If I failed to answer, he would take the opportunity to insult the hell out of me.

I could see how the other students were noticing that he was being extremely harsh towards me, but no one dared to say anything. No one wanted to be the next target.

"Avneet Kaur" I mentally cursed myself as Siddharth stood in front of me. On a side note, I was also now forced to sit on the first row every class meaning he tracked all my movements.

I stood up and the entire class turned it's attention to me. Nikita and her gang relaxed in their desks, all set to enjoy the show that was about to go down.

"Did you read the Opening chapters from Anna Karenina?" My eyes widened. He never mentioned for us to read that book. "Anna Karenina?", I asked perplexed. "Yes", he said sternly, crossing his arms.

"Professor you never asked us to read it", I mustered the courage to answer. "So? It's still one of the prescribed books in the course. You are supposed to have read it" "But we were going to study the Great Gatsby next. The session plan mentions it so I read that."

He scoffed. "That is not the excuse I want. It is your fault you haven't read the book prescribed in the course outline." "I am sorry but you never mentioned for us to read that. You asked for the Great Gatsby and I did read it. These classics take time to read and understand. I cannot possibly read all of them at the same time", at this point even I was surprised at how much courage I had gathered. I heard people behind me murmur while Siddharth glared at me sternly.

"But I also never said that you weren't supposed to not read it. Your lack of discipline and commitment in this course perplexes me. Do you think with this attitude you are going to get anywhere?" I was fuming with anger right now and this is what was fueling me to argue against his ill-treatment.

"If you really expect me to have read it then it means that you expect everyone else to read it as well. Ask them. Ask any of the other students. Why only me? Why do you always target me?" The entire class gasped as they heard the disrespect. Nikita smirked as she bent to the side to whisper in her friend's ear. "Shit is about to go down for real."

His jaw hardened as he stepped closer. The way he glared at me, it felt like I would melt like butter under his strong gaze. I also had to blink twice because I think I saw his eyes gleam red with a slight hint of golden.

"Are you going to tell me what I can do and what I cannot?", he growled lowly. "Professor I--" "Do you think you are so big that you can question my authority. Do you think I am answerable to you for what I do?" "I wasn't trying to--", I tried to pacify him.

"SHUT UP", he yelled and his voice echoed through the whole room. A couple of students almost shivered at the sudden rise in voice. No one had seen him ever get this angry and it was genuinely scaring them.

I immediately felt silent. This anger - it wasn't like his usual. It was like something had taken over him. A devil of some sorts and I dared not to speak or intervene.

"LEAVE", he yelled and I flinched. "Write the whole book ten times until that story is fucking seeped into your mind. Submit it to me and I will allow you to come back."

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